Lord Diphylla Desmodus



5 years, 6 months ago


Phyl, Phylly
666 | 06.06.
Born Vampire
Lord of the Manor
Diphylla Vladimir Aurel Desmodus

People are ever so scared of openly saying what they actually think,
but you can see it in their faces.
I've always despised this game
of secrecy and lies that is socialising in the upper classes.

Phyl is one half of a set of albinic vampire twins. He and his sister are inseparable, and he loves her dearly - more than anything else in the world. While he often comes across as stoic and neutral, emotionless even, Phyl is actually a very sweet, good-natured airhead that loves life, nature and anything sweet. His love for bright pastel & neon colours and modern styles sets him apart from most other vampires, even his own sister.
The both of them aren't classic vampires though - instead a type of race that can live solely on consuming the juice and flesh of fruit and vegetables. They are essentially fruit bats, and while their kind can consume human blood, which makes them stronger, faster and simply way more powerful, it is also highly addictive to them - driving their body slowly into ruin.


1. Personality

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Mysterious Predictable
Unjust Fair
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf

Stoic & Impulsive
Dom. hand
Leading trait
Biggest flaw











Opposed to his sister, Phyl is actually very kind and sweet - though he has troubles expressing this outwardly, resulting in him usually coming off as cold and stoic. This paints a stark contrast to his sister who is constantly putting on a sweet facade and easily managing to fake the true feelings he is struggling to express. Due to his strict upbringing he has problems actually showing his soft side, which results in him rubbing people the wrong way a lot as they mistake his intentions. In truth he's a very good-natured, yet extremely airheaded person. He likes to follow whims and argue to his sister's discontent, as it really isn't the way a Vampire Lord should act in her opinion.
Despite his good intentions though Phyl is still a vampire with a vampiric upbringing, and often reacts to certain cases of violence rather indifferent, taking them as necessary even. He would never even think about hurting an innocent person, but he feels no sympathy or guilt towards somebody that has done a horrible thing or threatened his family - and wouldn't hesitate to protect the people he loves with any means necessary. Usually he doesn't resort to such means however, as Dia will take care of any cases like this so that Phyl doesn't have to.



Over time Phyl has managed to hone the art of flirting quite a bit, though he doesn't usually immediately employ it when sober as his stoic and cold front will ruin any kind of game he's hoping to show off. Especially at parties and social gatherings however Phyl enjoys giving the women present his undivided attention - and only rarely turns it to the actual gender he is interested in. In order for him to flirt with a guy, Phyl has to be very, very into him. And quite tipsy.
Phyl is also an even more skilled dancer than his sister, probably because he genuinely enjoys doing it and hones his skill at every chance he get. He is extremely good at both modern and classical dances, and though it doesn't happen as often anymore since balls are scarcer to find in modern times he used to dance quite a lot with Dia at the various social events the two attended or hosted. He dances with other ladies as well of course, but the albinic pair of twins dancing together is just an image that is hard to keep one's eyes off.
Whilst most people wouldn't expect Phyl to know how to defend himself, he has been learning how to fence and fight ever since he was a child as part of the proper education for a boy of his status. Whilst he is nothing compared to his sister, most regular people would find him to be a difficult opponent.
Phyl is also actually quite good at games like poker or blackjack, much to the chargrin of his sister. He still has his unlucky days despite that however.



As Phyl often flirts with people without really meaning much of it, it lands him in quite a bit of trouble when someone takes his joking advances for serious and either starts to chase him, or reveals a partner that is rather upset about Phyl's approach.
As he will often just agree to things or do stuff on a whim without really thinking it through, it's not surprising to say that Phyl often lands himself in a bit of trouble - to which either his Sister or his butler Solomon will have to regularly bust him out. This impulsive behaviour also leads to the young vampire not always being all too considerate of others when he makes demands, as his mouth is generall faster than his brain can keep up.
Due to his privileged upbringing there are quite a few skills as well as some common knowledge that Phyl doesn't possess. Due to this he for example isn't very capable of doing his own housework, and is generally a bit clued out on things such as what is considered cheap and expensive for certain items.


2. Expression

Attitude towards things he likes

The fact that he usually has some issues expressing himself past the stoic front that stems from his awkwardness often causes Phyl to go into extremes in order to show people that he isn't as serious or cold as he comes off. This results in him happily and openly flirting with every and any girl he meets at a party despite being gay, probably because he's way too awkward and anxious to even think about doing the same towards a gender he actually likes as he would probably slip back into the shield of coldness he built up to protect himself.
As for Dia, whether it be rude men coming onto her or touching her without her permission, or people that just see her a as a cruel psychopath without considering the aspects that make her human - while Phyl is aware that Dia is more than capable of defending and protecting herself, he can't help but feel some inherent need to protect her shield her from people that disrespect or want to harm her. He thinks that as Dia has been protecting him his whole life, he has the responsibility to show her the kind od big brother he can be.


Although Phyl has received the most outstanding education due to his social status as an earl, he did not usually partake in his lessons very enthusiastically - favouring playing around and slacking off. Shirking his responsibilities in life became a pattern for him very soon, and while he isn't really stupid, Phyl still didn't learn or study as well as he should have and can be quite airheaded in some aspects due to that.


Despite having been raised to be polite and proper - a true example of their aristocratic lineage - Phyl doesn't really enjoy the stuffy way he is expected to carry himself as an earl. He likes to be direct and friendly instead, something that can come across as very standoffish unintentionally due to his stoic appearance. Phyl usually makes bad first impressions and even worse second ones, not even realising the way he comes across while trying to be a fun person - and failing miserably at his attempt. Most of the time he ends up offending people, as trying to be funny and nice with such a cold and awkwardly stoic demeanor comes across as either idiotic or as if he's making fun of people. .


Phyl doesn't really have a clear ambition beyond just having fun with what he does, as he intentionally blocks out anything other than that.


Between the dumb ideas and partying Phyl has quite a few doubts he is pushing down and ignoring in favour of running from his responsibilities. He doesn't want to take up the mantle of having to care for everybody else in fear of failing and not living up to the perfection others have expected from him in the past, instead opting to dump the survival and running of the estate onto his sister. Phyl lives in the constant fear of disappointing Dia, but despite this he cannot get himself to atually step up to the things he is supposed to take seriously instead of spending his life playing around.



  • Smoking
  • Partying
  • Human food
  • Fashion
  • Plants


  • Smoking
  • How good blood tastes
  • Human food
  • Bitter tastes


  • Losing Dia
  • A cruel society
  • Being misunderstood


  • Partying
  • Gardening
  • Human culture
  • Fashion

3. General Skills


Psychological Skill


Musical Skill


Artistic Skill


Combat Skill


Combat Skill


General Skill

Phyl's Playlist


4. Appearance

160 cm / 5'2"
Body Type
Straight ponytail with bangs on the right
Neon pastel goth

Facial features

Whilst Phyl's features are absolutely identical to those of his sister save for the mismatched eye, he manages to elevate them into a more masculine beauty. A slim, angular jaw, a short nose and narrowed eyes lend to a youthful, softer handsomeness that he has always been relatively popular for. Phyl’s genetics are evidently generous and his features are, while more soft and gentle than those of most men, emenating of a very certain pretty-boy look. Sticking out from strands of hair are his small, pointy elven-like ears, which can be glamoured to look more human if he is trying to appear as one.
A prime example of his albinism, people often stare in surprise at Phyl's crimson eye - but even more so once they see that the other one sparkles a brilliant blue. Having had heterochromia and albinism since birth he is long used to the stares, though as to the reason why only he has one blue eye and Dia does not he isn't all too sure. Phyl merely embraces it as a mark of his own uniqueness. Overall, his eyes have a narrow and pointed shape, angular and thickly lined with long, white lashes.


Phyl posesses a relatively slight frame - his body being slim and petite and quite similar in shape to that of his sister, if visibly more masculine in certain aspects. He posessses some athletic muscle, although not too much. If he were to put one some of his sisters dresses, it would be near impossible to tell them apart by the appearance of their body alone - save for the missing chest.
Often described as a porcelain-like, Phyl’s skin is extremely white due to his albinism. This makes it possible for him to blush and redden even though his vampiric metabolism usually wouldn’t allow for these things, seeing as his fair skin is paper thin and lets even the slightest amount of pooling blood shine through. There are no blemishes or imperfections on his skin whatsoever, earning him that unnatural, almost ethereal appearance.


A translucent white due to his albinism, Phyl’s hair is quite a sight to behold and usually earns a lot of whisper and wonder all around. His hair is very long, ending just below the waist in very straight if he were to wear it open, and the silky strands often seem to catch the light in all the right ways. Straight bangs fall into the right side of his face, dividing into two seconds, of which the longer one reaches down onto his chest. Phyl usually pulls his hair into a high ponytail at the top of his head, which often includes a small braided section which he likes to decorate with flowers and bat-shaped hairclips. He takes incredibly good care of his hair and hates people touching it, and due to his albinism especially the ends of his hair are relatively translucent.


On most day to day occasions, Phyl dresses in a sort of neon-pastel goth inspired look - a style which he became enamored with after entering modern society as it combines both some of the dramatic themes he enjoyed from historical fashions he had worn in the past, as well as the fun experimentation of modern clothes. Bright neon shades and pastel colours on black are the focus point of most of his outfits, though he is sometimes also seen in more blacks. Ripped jeans, tights, sweaters and mismatched shirts as well as high boots and various accessories accomodate his usual looks. He will take great care to match his looks and would never dare to go out in unfashionable attire - a vanity that he very much shares with his sister. Phyl is also never seen without his various piercings, and as he is a daywalker unlike his sister he does not need to carry a parasol with himself. When at home Phyl will sometimes wear his hair open or in a messy bun, though he would never dare to go outside with it looking unpresentable. When going out, Phyl usually has a mask with him that he wears. It covers his nose and mouth and has in a vampire fang print on it, though his most iconic feature would probably the bat-shaped bow he usually wears in his ponytail.
Phy’s formal attire is even more of a sight to behold than his usual way of dress. Luxurious, full victorian suits with expensive lace and frill trims, usually in blacks, blues and pinks and clad in elaborately patterned fabrics line his formal wardrobe. Due to the fact that he normally dresses relatively modern one would think that Phyl dislikes the historical attire, though that couldn't be farther for the truth. He genuinely adores the dramatic and elaborate fashions of past eras and still owns most of his old clothes to wear to formal occasions, but finds them too luxurious for modern day-to-day life.
Back when the twins still hosted and attended a myriad of aristocratic social events, Phyl often matched and coordinated outfits with his twin sister - usually opting for things such as for example a completely white brocade suit to match Dia's white brocade evening gown, and even donning some of the same accessoires. Though he will do it more rarely nowadays, Phyl will still be genuinely excited to coordinate with his sister - especially for events, as their matching looks and ethereal genetics usually earn them a load of admiration.
Boxershorts, printed design shirts and thick socks are Phyl's choice wear for the night - if he wears anything at all, that is. He usually braids his hair for sleeping or puts it in a bun so that it doesn't get knotted from moving in his sleep.
Thick gloves, a bat-shaped coat and scarf, as well as boots that end just shy of his knees are all regular items in Phyl's harsh weather wardrobe He will also usually opt for longer clothes and more layers depending on the weather, though he rarely ever wears a hat.
Phyl will also usually wear a long silver earring which has a cross dangling from it. He almost NEVER takes this off - just like his snake bite piercings. He also has multiple other piercings on each ear, and often paints his fingernails black.


Will wear

  • Neon colours [blue, pink], pastels, blacks, whites
  • Shorts & Trousers
  • Dress shirts, polo shirts, vests
  • Full suits
  • Silver jewellery

Won't wear

  • Sandals
  • Rich colours
  • Ill-fitting clothes
  • Gold jewellery
  • Messy clothes

5. Favourites

Food & Drink
Garlic bread

His absolute favourite food in the whole world. In his mind, combining the heavenly genius of ~bread~ with the buttery, garlicky topping equates as closely to the feeling of entering heaven he will ever be able to experience as a soul-less vampire. The fact that it leaves him writhing in pain about 5 minutes after eating is secondary however. Dia thinks he's an idiot, and he doesn't know how to tell her that he would never eat enough garlic to die like some "normal" vampire, psshhh. What does she take him for??

More Food & Drink

Much different from his sister, Phyl absolutely adores the sickly sweetness of store-bought juices, jams and fruit desserts which are sourced to him from the wonders of the human 'supermarket'. Though he mostly keeps to the things he can actually eat, he isn't a stranger to dipping into non-fruit related human foods such as chocolate cake and pizza - though they usually give him a horrible reaction because he cannot digest them as a vampire.


You would think that Phyl woouldn't care for something like that upon meeting him, however Phyl has taken great joy in caring for the famous roses of Bathory manor - going so far as to even breed a special red variety just for his sister, as the original rose gardens of the manor consisted of blue roses.


One of his favourite pastimes, and has been for centuries. Parties are the one place Phyl can completely let loose and somewhat negate his stoic demeanor, probably thanks to the ungodly amounts of alcohol present.


6. Aesthetic


7. Story

Age: Childhood
most memorable event:

Their debut to society

♦ Around 665 years ago,

Dia and phyl were born as a rather unusual pair of vampire twins. Coming into un-life with albinism, a trait that they know was passed down to them by their human mother, who had it as well. They grew up together in a mansion belonging to their family - raised by the combined efforts of maids and their equally vampiric butler - and though they lived in such luxury granted by them, neither of them know who their parents actually are. After years and years of trying to find out and not believing the lies of their parent's death, prying the maids for information, Dia and Phyl finally grew content with not knowing - though were still grateful for any bit of knowledge they could get. They knew that their mother was a kind, British noblewoman, their father a stern but fair earl of Romanian descent. They even knew their names of course, but seeing as no one else seemed to know them they didn't know whether these were even their actual names.

Age: Eternal Adulthood
most memorable event:

Their vampiric sleep

♦ The both of them spent most of their lives alone,

forced to fake their own death again and again to keep the mortals they walked among from ever guessing of their affliction. However, living eternally burns up a family fortune rather fast, so after a good hundred years Dia started investing funds in order to preserve their footing in the world. Due to Phyl's aloof and sometimes even dumb demeanour Dia took on as head of both household and company, securing their wealth and status as an aristocratic household for the years to come.
Of course being vampires they had quite some difficulty not rousing suspicion as they overstayed their youth, as such having to be rather scarce and careful with visits to the public, which was quite difficult with Phyl being the Earl and official head of the household after all - but somehow they managed on into modern times without being discovered. At the end of the victorian age Dia decided that it would be best for them to descened into a vampiric sleep, dreaming away most of the coming decades and even centuries along with most of their vampiric staff, so as to pull themselves out of the conscious of humanity and start anew once they'd been enitrely forgotten. Phyl himself didn't keep to this agreement all too well, opting to secretly wake from his slumber now and then - either to explore how much had changed during the last few years, or merely to keep their butler company while he watched over the manor in solitude during their slumber.

Age: ???
most memorable event:

The adjustment to modernity

♦ Phyl and Dia have been living in their old ways,

for hundreds of years and well into modern society, but even they realised that they had to change with the pace in order to live on after awaking in a much more advanced world. So, the both of them decided to leave their mansion and joing modern life as 'normal humans', learning to live with the times and draw a profit out of it. Dia wasn't all too thrilled at first, but she agreed that it had to be done or they'd rot away in their manor until the rest of time.


8. Combat



Fighting style

Phyl despises fighting and would much rather talk things out if possible, though he will not hesitate to defend himself if the situation calls for it. Despite his status as a daywalker, Phyl is quite a bit weaker than his sister. He is still quite fast and powerful for human standards, much more than her his frame would suggest - due to his vampiric enhancements. These abilities are only further enhanced if he ever consumes blood.


Basic Vampiric Traits

Phyl possesses the most basic traits that other vampires have. He experiences the normal vampiric thirst, although he can go much longer without feeding than his sister, and he sees very well in the dark. Having no reflection bothers him a lot, especially due to the fact that it hinders getting ready, but he’s gotten used to it by now. Compared to her Dia, Phyl is much worse at controlling his desire for blood when it comes down to it - as he has lived his entire life indulging in every frivolous desire he has had, effectively enabling himself when it comes to such losses of control. His wounds also slowly regenerate if he is hurt, and even quicker in moonlight.


Vampiric Strength & Speed

Phyl’s strength and speed are greatly developed, pairing with a relatively strong endurance. This, combined with his regeneration abilities, makes him a for his usual appearance surprisingly resilient opponent. If she consumes blood, her strength and speed are increased by an even larger amount. Despite this however, Phyl's sister's strength and speed still greatly surpass his own.


Eternal Life & Youth

Phyl hasn’t aged a day ever since he reached adulthood and never will. He will retain his young beauty for all eternity, provided he isn’t killed during that time.


Vampiric Weaknesses

As Phyl is a daywalker unlike his sister, the sun does not affect him past the usual sunburn most people might receive. Though he is still hurt by both silver, holy water and holy grounds, the latter of which he cannot even enter.


9. Trivia

He always carries around 20 cigarettes in an ornate metal case tat Dia gifted him some time ago. He also always carries a lighter with him, though sometimes forgets it and has to spot fire from other smokers.

Phyl will generally avoid taking his shirt off in front of people, due to the raised scars prominently visible on his back.

He tends to play with his piercings a lot, whether that be his snake bites or the various earrings.

Phyl doesn't usually think things through and instead enthusiastically agrees to most things other peole suggest. This often leads to him agreeing to things he didn't even properly register or even wanted to do at all, resulting in him still doing them in order to not disappoint the other person.

He smokes quite a lot, but even more so when he's anxious.

Often gorges himself on human food despite not being able to digest it. Loves garlic bread enough to writhe in pain for a whole day after eating an entire loaf.


10. Related

Dia is pershaps the most important person in Phyl's life. Him and her have a mutual understanding that reaches beyond the normal connection of siblings due to the fact that they are twins, and even though they bicker and banter sometimes as all siblings do she is the one person that Phyl feels absolute and unconditional love for. He supports her and wants to see her happy.

Although he is merely a staff member, Solomon is perhaps the one person Phyl has akin to a parental figure. Although he would never admit it, he sees him as somewhat of a father and looks up to the older vampire quite a bit. He openly counts him as part of the family and would not hesitate to help him if the need ever arose.

As Eins & Zwei are the two maids attending to most of the twins direct needs, so it isn't a surprise that Phyl has a slightly closer relationship with them than with most of the other staff. He counts them as a part of the family, and while his bond with them isn't as close as that of Dia, he still couldn't imagine the manor without them in it.

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