TBN's Comments

Sobs and weeps, I immediately fell in love with this guy's design!

I have a universe I write w/ my fiancé (our 6th year anniversary is actually today hehe) that this guy would be great for! He'd fit in well with the experiment facility half, where he'd probably grow up there. I've been looking for someone to fit into Ribcage's story (since they don't have much of one atm), and I feel like this lad would be perfect for it! They could escape the facility together, and I'd have a whole new arc to obsess over and write hehe.

The Chaos universe gets more writings, art, and flesh every day. My fiancé and I talk about it literally all the time, its one of our biggest obsessions. We've been working on it since middle school haha. I'd absolutely love to give this guy a good home <33

Edit: Typo ^^'

oh my gosh, congrats! happy anniversary to you two!

i'll absolutely transfer it to you asap! 

and you've caught my interest now! so if you don't mind, i'll be checking from time to time on this project of yours to see what you do with him. 👀

Aaaaa tysm!!!

And I'll absolutely update you on things w/ him, and I'll try and pump out some stuff (art, etc.) for him in the meantime ^^ very excited to have him and work with 'em!!! Tysm for letting me take care of him rraaa <33

sounds like fun, looking forward to it  ^ω^ 👍