

■ Name ■


■ Species ■

Komainu -(I'll add that form to the app eventually..i just looked at this group a little to close to opening date. )

■ Class 


■ Favorite Food 


■ Items 

family sword that he kids at home, mint candies, some bells, cellphone, a mask

 ■ Job ■ 

■ Gender ■ 
Genderfluid || He-Him primarily

■ Age ■ 

■ Romantic/Sexual Orientation ■ 
Panromantic & Pansexual

■ Race/Ethnicity ■ 

■ RP Method ■ 
Preferably over discord
■ Shipping? ■ 
Interested || Single
Crack as well as hate ships are completely allowed.
However if not, sleepovers are a fun alternative!~


    TOUGHNESS:  5 +2
    STURDINESS:  3+1
    LUCK:  2














  Izumo and his brother have been  guards for all of their lives, starting from the shrine they came to consciousness in. Being trained by their family for combat. Fighting to protect was his life, and the temples and people appreciated their work to bring fortune  and peace to their home. Time just didn’t have that to be their eternity.Bombs were dropped and while his home wasn’t directly hit many died soon thereafter from illness and soon his home was empty. Prompting him and his brother to move on.

The pair moved to the spirit world,where there services and abilities were still of use. Driving away bad spirits when they came to close to their homes. Always ready to put their lives on the line, and at the moment there is just a body full of flesh wounds nothing to serious.

Izumo finally convinced his brother to visit the human world many years after, taking it as a time to visit there destroyed home, before moving to travel. While goofing around a boxing ring for a bit of money, to provide a show Izumo was offered a job as a bouncer for a casino. Anchoring him down for now at least. He doesn’t mind being a bouncer. The oddest thing ever was getting used to a phone.    

■■ Abilities ■■
Stone skin:  He can harden his skin to increase his defenses in either of his forms, though this makes him very heavy and it is a it harder to move about. It is a great way to be on guard duty because it's really hard to tell when he's sleeping or watching people.

Super strength: Even in his human form his strength is equivalent to that of his spirit form. He can easily pick people and large objects up. He's pretty powerful in comparison to an average creature especially humans.

Human- His tail and ears show to be the only remaining part of his true form like this.

Beast- He's a Komainu, he turns into a kind of fat 6'5 cat/dog

Statue- Normally, a form to rest and watch in complete silence.

■■ E X T R A ■■

■ LIKES ■ 

x. Good food

x. belly rubs

x. long naps 

x. Running

x. swords

x. Masks

x. sake


x. People trying to take his glasses off

x. Showing his whole face

x. bad smelling things

x. people who try to cause trouble

x. baths* his twin forces him in
■ Additional information ■ 

x. Izumo can be either gender along with his twin,they used to be opposite of the other

x. He's not trying to be scary by wearing his glasses he's just kind of shy.

x. He is better at duel wielding katanas due to his increased strength but usually only cares one.

x. there is a bit of blue smoke when he transforms

x. if you scratch the right spot on his belly he will kick his legs

x. The bell on his neck keeps him calm, he usually wont go anywhere without it,he is more likely to take a fight to far with out a jingle from it every now and again

x. The ringing of his bell makes it hard for him to lie outright if he's doing something in the wrong.

X. Though he can swim if an enemy flees through deep water izzy will no follow,he hates large bodies of water and swimming is difficult enough for him as is.