
5 years, 6 months ago



Gender: Female

Age: 17

Origin: Your run of the mill highschool girl. Lives with her father, lost her mother at a young age. Had no friends, and got into the routine of watching the school baseball team practice and play at every available time.

Personality: Has a very hard time befriending people and can hardly handle the awkwardness and confusion that comes with trying to make friends, but likes watching the lives of others progress. Behaves the way she does because she wants to keep distance. Willing to fight anyone and anything to protect herself physically and emotionally. Intends not to draw attention to herself but accidentally does because of how odd her methods of keeping others away are. Temperamental and quick to jump the gun. Has difficulty healthily dealing with positive emotions, tends to channel that into violence, but not toward other people (unless they’re asking for it). If she is feeling overwhelmed she will also deal with it violently. Feels embarrassed very easily and is constantly trying to pull off a cool, punk vibe despite carrying a pastel aesthetic. 


  • The bandaids she wears are meant to look tough, but most people just find it cute.
  • Tends to scrape up her hands and arms as a nervous quirk. Puts more bandaids over them. 
  • Really likes small, cute things (keychains, pins, capsule figures) but is embarrassed of liking them.