


5 years, 6 months ago



Light Grey Pelt. White spots on Forearms, under eyes, Back Legs and Rump. 

Her chest is extremely fluffy and Pink.

Her tail is short and fluffy, with a Black spaded tail coming out of it.

Her fringe is pink, short, curly and thick

Her wings and Spaded tail are pitch black, No light reflects off them, They constantly drip ink and make a mess. 

Her eyes are a dark purple, depending on her mood her eyes can be large and cute or small and intimidating. 


Her personality goes from one Extreme to another, depending on the type of mood she is her personality changes, She only feels 3 moods

Happy (common) - Hyper, Excited, Loud, extremely playful, flirtatious, comes off as loopy

Sad (rare) - Comes off as creepy, cryptic, Eery, occasionally aggresive 

Angry (uncommonn) - Hysteric, Violent, quiet, Watches Your every move

Other Info

She is Mainly only Seen in dreams, however if she takes a liking to you, You will see her out the corner of your eye in your waking life.

Please Note

This character is still a work in progress as I havent used her for alot.