


5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Ekalisse
Gender: Genderless. (We/Us/Our pronouns. They/Them and She/Her acceptable)
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 179 lbs
Species: Demigod (Formerly a Creator God)
Age: Beyond Time
Orientation: Pansexual
Birthday: This vessel told a joke. How amusing.

Best Traits
  • Experiencing reality as a fallible, not all-knowing entity.
  • Feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment
  • Hedonistic pleasures
  • Memes????
  • Stuff from Science Fiction realities; very different than the world Ekalisse created.
  • Limited power over concepts, semiotics, and identity. Hydrokinesis as well.
  • Very good at... planning parties? Yeah, actually.
  • Grade A Prankster too.
  • Very creative, could make a great artist.
  • Fun loving with a sense of humor. Spending time with Ekalisse in a good mood is always an adventure.
  • Level headed, calm under pressure. Doesn't freeze up or hesitate.

Worst Traits
  • Boredom.
  • Being disrespected
  • The idea that we are closer to a mortal's level of mind and power than we can presently admit.
  • Has only become a demigod very recently. Has virtually no experience as a fallible being.
  • Individual avatars are less stable than they appear. We overwhelm foes with superior numbers.
  • Psychic attacks harm all of our avatars equally.
  • The unknown leaves us perpetually torn between between fear and excitement. 
  • Sadistic and mischievous. Exerting our will is even more fun now that the results are in flux.
  • Does not sympathize with mortals, even though we've become one.
  • Not impulsive, but definitely flighty, impulsive, and mercurial.
  • Very large ego. Inflated sense of self-worth and no tolerance for disrespect.

We are caught in a bit of an identity crisis. Once, we were a divine entity who demanded respect, and interfering with the lives of mortals was as far beneath us as burning ants on an anthill. Now, we are a demigod, and now those ants are a worthy challenge. We have become a real "trickster" type character, as deceipt and mischief have become exciting challenges rather than effortless tasks. But, we haven't fully shed off our original identity yet either, so we demand respect and idolation. The unknown and the challenging excite us, but we're unused to it so they also terrify us. We are inconsistent and mercurial due to our vastle new experience; our own identity is unstable. Still, we have no sense of remorse. We do what tickles our fancy at any time, and we have yet to experience any consequences, so why try to avoid them? Maybe we'll learn a lesson. Or perhaps not. Time will tell.


Ekalisse was the first of the three creator deities to come into being. We were once the only concept to exist. In a single timeless moment, we created the next few concepts: first we invented numbers. Then, the sense of self, of identity. Emotions, wants, desires. Only then did Time and Space come into being. Lonely, we created two new deities, and granted purview of time and space to them. No longer was the world merely conceptual, it had a physical form, and purview over the physical aspects of the world were granted to them to share. We are a deity, associated with the sea, but also with identity, concepts, and semiotics. In our prime, we could rewrite a person’s sense of being, replace who they are on a fundamental level with someone else, or as a soulless husk.  We could destroy you on the conceptual level; not only would you not exist, noone would remember you. Or we could be cruel, and let you exist, in a different conceptual layer: able to see the world but not be seen by it. We have granted mortals some level of control over the creation of new concepts; an important step in letting them form culture… but even these concepts remain in our domain, and we could alter, reassign, or destroy them as we please.

In our omniscience, we grew bored. In a flash of inspiration, new concept was formed; that of the multiverse. Did we create all worlds outside of our purview? Or did we simply allow them  to interact with ours? Even we do not know, and that is exciting. Our excitement grew further when we witnessed two of our own vanish to a place outside our knowledge. We pried and prodded and explored that moment, and in an event we cannot remember, passed through on our own. From there, our knowledge and power faded to an infinitesimally small portion. For the first time, we have become veritably surrounded by things outside of our control or knowledge. Even our own thoughts and consciousness, from before we passed through, have become incomprehensible to us. We are confused and frightened… but excited.

We retain control over our godly domains: the sea, concepts, semiotics, and identity… albeit at a very limited degree. We can try to consume the identity of a being, but they can resist us, and the Overseers can restore it if they please. As we are ultimately still a divine presence, we do not have a single form. We can form a group of avatars through which we can fight… but it comes at a cost of our very limited power, and should we run out, we will die. Control over semiotics allows us to obfuscate virtually anything: to temporarily render a person, object, or concept identifiable only as something else, or simply completely unidentifiable. Ordinarily, a descriptor can point to a single obvious concept: if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s clearly a duck. But we can redirect that last step; it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, which means its a moose. Or we can take that duck and simply leave it as an incomprehensible entity, even as its form and properties remains describable. Another nasty trick we have is that we are a manifestation of the concept of us: anything identifiable as us can potentially become literally us. We can manifest through a drawing of us, a description of us, a toyhou.se profile featuring us… we can even gain a semblance of control over any being that implies it is part of us: which includes referring to us with our preferred “we/us” pronouns…

  • Our powers over semiotics are very similar to this SCP.
  • In the world we created, all bodies of water (natural or otherwise) are extremely dangerous portals to a conceptual void. Even submerging yourself in a tub of water means risking having your identity subsumed. As you go deeper, time and space weaken and vanish too. Stay out of our realm, or we will claim you.
  • Without our presence, our world would be consumed by that sea; all physical things would continue to exist, but lacking concepts to link them with. We do not know if we left any part of us behind to keep the world stable, or if our curiosity irrevocably destroyed our creation.
  • Doesn't actually have bones. You can squish our head, like an octopus. (but don't)
  • Often weaves our tentacles into one wrapped up, 3-fingered arm. Our tentacles can vary wildly in length.
  • Same setting as Mara and the nameless amazon
  • In our current demigod form, we are not immune to the name-deletion curse the nameless amazon has, and therefore we can't remember or know her name. This bothers us because the curse was applied by a god of lower status. Before we lost our power, we were able to see through the curse.
  • Our old avatars were colossal. We could manifest tendrils half a mile in thickness, extending towards the skies and capable of cleaning entire civilizations off of the lands as if they were grime on a countertop.
  • Our mind was vast and alien before we entered this realm. Even we cannot comprehend our old self's thoughts. We've yet to fully explore our new personality as a mortal.
  • If you draw a picture of us, it may change positions while you aren't looking. If you write a description of us, the words may change from time to time. If your drawing makes us angry, you will know. This carries over; even to this new reality.
  • Though we created the other two deities, we made them equal to us in power. We cannot destroy their concepts, and we cannot alter time and space without their allowance. We've never let them forget, however, that we were the one who gave them these concepts as birthrights.
  • Never forget; we are all as one.