Aivi Namai



5 years, 5 months ago


Айви Сависьеновна Намаи



  • Айви Намаи, строгая и властная дама снаружи, тревожный сырок внутри. Администратор сети салонов красоты, в одном из филиалов на досуге и сама делает ноготочки. У неё всегда есть и план, и план плана, и если что-то выходит из колеи, то начинает её неимоверно раздражать, из-за чего для неё не редкость эмоциональные качели от ярости до милой улыбочки с разгоном в пару секунд. Как управленец она всё же человек очень жесткий, как раз таки именно из-за своей мании следовать плану.
    She's a true nephilim which was born in a couple of demon and angel. However, she never knew her father, as the other demonic halfbloods usually do. 

  • Likes vanilla flavour, soft things, comfort, pillows, crechent moon, nature/gardening, soft music, kittens, nighttime, reading, collecting herbs, creating potions, knitting, lemon ricotta pancakes with lilac syrup;
  • Dislikes liars, sticky things, past memories/reminders, winter, extreme/ sudden changes, being stared at, to show weakness.

  • A bit naive and weak, put persistent. Even if she usually tries to push all go according to her plans, she treasures her close people, especially her kids. Always had a dream about scene, but was unlucky to enter proper universities due to her slight laziness. However, when she was lucky to build a family with one wealthy man, she decided that she should rise her kid as born stars from the start. Seldom suffers from insomnia. 
Age / height / weight
38 / 170 cm / 57 kg
Chaotic neutral / ENFJ
Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Administrator