Leandre Arruda




Name: Leandre

(Physical) Age: 18

Sex./Rom.: Bisex./Birom.

Personality Type: ISFJ-T "The Defender"*

(*This might change later. I haven't completely found a solid personality for him yet)

Hair: Gold/Blonde

Eyes: Harvest Gold

Skin: Tan

Height: 5'10

Body Build: His body build isn't as muscularly defined as his older brother Gregory, but he is still pretty muscular and fit.


Signature Outfit: His whole armor aesthetic is made up of various golds and brown colors. His armor is a bit more complex in terms of design, reason being because he was to be part of Almittie's elite lineup.

Some Details (Prt 1)

-He is a free-spirit and doesn't like being held down by responsibilities. While he genuinely cares about his brothers, he acts as a sort of loner and cherishes his space

-He tends to keep his opinions to himself in fear of being casted out because of them (this had already happened once)

-He cares about those he is close to, however, sometimes he speaks about them with bitter resentment, especially towards his elder brother Gregory

-He doesn't mind physical contact, and will gladly give or accept physical affections. It is best to do such when he is in a good mood as to not be offended if/when he pushes someone away

-He likes to sit by bodies of water and flick pebbles across the surface

-He likes having time to himself, to reflect or relax. He is a bit of a loner (this wasn't always the case though...)

-He once had a female admirer (No more details at this time because spoilers)

-Currently, his only goal is to survive in the cold harshness of the mortal world

Job: Defected servant of Lord Almittie

Personality: Leandre is a cautious and watchful young man who is afraid of being alone, however, he is forced to be because of a righteous decision he made before he became a fallen angel. He cares deeply about his brothers, but he has also proven to be very resentful towards those who he deems to have betrayed him. He doesn't trust strangers of any kind, whether they mean well or not. It comes with having to survive on his own. He is a lost boy, who desperately wants to find solace in his otherwise distressful situation.

Posture/Way of Speaking: Cautious

(Special Thanks to NejiShadow for this character template)

Color: Warm colors in general

Food: He likes sandwiches of all kinds

Animal: He likes wolves (while he is a little bitter towards his brothers, the way wolves care and fight for each other reminds him of them)

Drink: He enjoys drinking wine or tea, mostly tea

Books: Historical

Birthday: April 10th

Siblings: Gregory (eldest brother), Gael (littlest brother)

Skills: He is a very skilled fighter, he fights with a rapier. It isn't the strongest weapon but Leandre makes it work for him and he has grown to use it with unmatched skill. He is fast enough with it to deal devastating blows.

Friends: -TBA-

Lives with: He is on the run because he was casted out on his own, but he used to live with his mother and father, and brothers (Evanthia-Mother) (Xandros-Father)

Admires: He admired his eldest brother Gregory and looked up to him for guidance, but after being casted out he no longer admired anyone

Enemies: Lord Artemien, Jericho, Lillian, and any demon associated with them

Dating: Single

Life outlook: The world is a cruel place and we have to accept it

Self Image: He doesn't think all that highly of himself, especially after losing a lot of things he cares about.

Inner Demons: He is afraid of giving into the darkness within himself

Optimist/Pessimist: In between, leans more towards pessimist

Real / Feigned: He teeters between the two

Confidence Level: Average

Self-control: Leans towards low self-control

Discipline: Average

Morality Level: Average

Political views: ---

Sexual Contact?: If someone mentions it, he will immediately try to change the subject because (despite his calm demeanor) he get flustered talking about it and doesn't believe himself ready to discuss it