


5 years, 5 months ago


my dearest

Quirk; dog
Hero name; Monster Pup
Blood type; AB

TDLR bio; wants to be friends with everyone, werewolf type quirk but she transforms just
whenever she wills it, hides human form

bio; Talkative, extroverted, opinionated, sometimes pushy/bossy. Transfer student. Spends a lot of time trying to become friends with everyone she can, since she had no friends in America, and considers this a fresh start that should not be wasted, however, she even attempts to befriend students from other classes aside from her own, and as a result she is recognized by most students in the UA student body. Goal driven to the point of being intense at times.

Transferred to UA from America, as part of a grander plan towards her goal of financial independence. Her parents never wanted her to be a hero, her mom even only dated men with quirks that wouldnt be useful in the hero field because her mom wanted a "normal family", but she got a skip generation quirk from her paternal grandma which ended up being suitable for the job, much to her parents dismay.
Her grandmother convinced her parents to let carmen go to hero school, with a stipulation; "only use your dog/wolf forms for hero work." She proceeded to immediately secretly break this rule however, as it was always her goal to use her human form as a secret identity, so that she could run errands in public without being recognized.

She hid her human form from everyone, even her closest friends. As time went on while only using her dog form to present herself, she grew to hate her human form, since growing up, she was always forced to use it at home and school, since her mother wanted to discourage her from a hero's path, as well as her mothers personal preference for her to look externally human as much as she could.
Eventually, her human form was revealed to her class, (I would say this happens not too long after moving into the student dorms) when she got into a fight during a sparring match, and Aizawa used his quirk Erasure on her to stop it, revealing her to the class in a closed training area. As a result, she was forced to explain herself to the class, and was nearly expelled for withholding information about her quirk from the school. Otherwise she was able to get the class to keep her secret, and overall no one was too terribly bothered or angered by her keeping this a secret, to her surprise.

misc; really Really hates it when people call her a dog, she hates her human form, yet she clings onto her human identity, easy to anger but only when it comes to that issue in particular.
her mom and younger sister have the same quirk which is making and controlling snow clouds, and her dads quirk lets him see inside machines

Can transform from 1-3 forms;

1st form; human, the weakest form, needs prescription glasses but only as a human. she hides this form and no one knows about it aside from family up until, a certain point in the plot when it is revealed.
(when drawing with other students, never draw her in this form, for continuity's sake)
i honestly dont even want art of her human form it only exists for the story really
2nd form; dog, her default, this is the form she presents herself in and it comes with generalized extra strength and somewhat heightened senses.

3rd form; wolf monster, her strongest form, it takes a lot of energy and focus to maintain, so she relies more on instinct rather than tactics for combat, but it should be noted she's not 'dumber' in this form, just less focused. comes with superhuman strength and senses. can only reliably use this form for 20 minutes at a time, and becomes very drained after use if used for the maximum time limit.

other; she can transform partially, up to two limbs at a time, she learned that technique during the summer training camp arc, which helps her retain energy in drawn out battles. she can also eat food to regain stamina, but this is very short term, sleep/rest is more effective.
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