Jay Carter



5 years, 5 months ago



Name - Jay Carter

Birth year: 1925

Gender - Male

Height - 5’11 

Nationality- Mixed 

Occupation: Detective

Favorite food and/or drink: Just black coffee 


Carter has been working on a 1950s Mafia case in New York City for many years and has gained little to no support. Though he has given clear evidence of brutal murders and robberies, his colleagues all say that the Mafia "has all died out" or "was a 1920's thing". Carter later found out that the new governor of New York has been bribed by gangs to keep the whole mob war a secret. Hence, the murders continued and the state police has given little to no effort to stop them. The governor simply believes that Carter has little to no chance of exposing the gangs at all, so he hasn't pushed for an attempted murder. 

He often stays up late collecting more evidence and gathering a team to help him bring the mobsters to justice. Though he recieves warnings from friends and family members, he refuses to get sufficient rest. Despite this, he still has a calm and collective demeanor and rarely shows signs of being grumpy or overworked. He just relies on the coffee. 
