
The thought that spawned this guy's existence was "I wonder what a tentacle monster would look like if it had a human shape?"

But NEVER call him a tentacle monster. It's very insulting.

Antissa is a Tentacoid (humanoid tentacle organism) who lives in Kuron Forest and is essentially worshiped as a demigod by local tribes. In exchange for protecting villages, the villagers provide him with offerings in the form of "priests/priestesses" that serve him in any way he might need for short periods of time, as well as food, wine, water, and furs to make sure he lives comfortably.

He is exceptionally agile and strong, and has agrokinesis (the ability to manipulate and grow plants). He is not unlike a spider, and he uses the interwoven branches and vines of the forest as his "web" so he can keep an eye and ear on everything happening. He has also set up his magic to cause the trees to lash out violently at intruders, and/or to snare them in the vines/roots and hold them captive until he can deal with them directly. The peaceful intruders are set free to go about their business (usually travelers or merchants). The less peaceful ones (such as poachers) tend to catch a bad case of death. There have been a few times where he weaponized the trees to ward off an invading army who wanted to claim the land and clear it. 

Now, as for his more unusual body parts...

His tongue is 12 inches long as full length, and designed to help him get food and water from hard-to-reach places. 

The upper and middle sets of tentacles are used mostly as extra hands that help him navigate the trees and perform different actions, but they also contain stingers and glands full of poison that can paralyze and/or kill depending on the amount he uses.

The slender, reddish tentacles are solely sexual in nature and provide extra stimulation and grasping as needed.

The lowest set of tentacles with pink tips are the genitals, and they can change shape and size as needed.

The place between his legs, where Human genitals would normally be, is a blank place with smooth skin but has many nerve endings and may still be pleasured by touching or licking there.