
Full name: Abenhael 

Gender: Nonbinary (AMAB, masc presenting)

Height: ~5'10

Abel is a lieutenant in the Paradise army, and also the younger brother of the Fallen angel Judael (Judah).

He lost his left arm during an attack from the Cursed (rogue, mad demons), basically getting it chomped right off, but had worked hair to keep himself in prime combat shape and fights well despite his handicap.

He's unorthodox and kind of a shithead, but he avoids just about any kind of military consequences for his improper behavior with a combination of excellent leadership, skilled fighting, and "negotiating" with his commander to keep any negative reviews from leaving the office. He also frequently flirts with the delicious heavenly blacksmith, Gilder, during visits for weapons repair, and the two of them have been known to partner sexually now and then when Gilder's need outweighs his irritation.

In one side-story, he gets sent to Earth to be a personal guardian angel for a valuable priest who is sensitive to Cursed presences and vulnerable to attack from them, and becomes romantically involved with said priest.