Weird Jones



5 years, 6 months ago


Weird Jones



 Warning Level:High

they are said to roam dark forest and follow those who get lost.They can mimic various sounds as well as words,they are know to pick up on languages aside from English fairly easily.They speak in a broken and double toned voice.They are known to whisper weird things to the lost person that is unlucky enough to have them following,this slowly gets them more lost and panicked before Weird Jones takes them.

Weird Jones has the ability to warp the persons surroundings slightly to aid in getting them further lost. This can include causing the person to loose time.A sense of dread is said to be felt when Jones is near by. It is also said the smell of moss,mold and lavender can be smelt when Weird Jones is present.

Who ever is unlucky enough to be chosen as Jones next target is doomed to be mentally tormented until the creature finds it suitable to enough to take the target. Upon capturing it's prey Weird Jones take it back to their den. The den is described as a large dark opening in the side of a hill,upon entering it is said that you enter into a sort of pocket dimension that is Weird Jones home and place of origin.