Mayor Goodhorn



NameMayor Goodhorn /Patch Goodhorn 

Age: 49




LikesPumpkins(duh), Progress, healthy workers,feasts and bouquets, reading, cooking, cats and dogs(if it eats pests, he’s good)

Dislikes: Vermin(anything rodent especially), cherries, illnesses in town, bitter colds and snow  , lazy folk, con artists


Patch Goodhorn has always been the type to take charge,being the first born , he was responsible for a lot when it came to his siblings. His family had a small farm and helped stocked the markets with produce. 

He has been especially good at doing the running of the leaves banquet and keeping things organized. Leaving the farm due to hard times and trouble, Goodhorn left to help settle a new location in Equestria, setting up pumpkin patches to help feed the miners.  Learning there were a lot of new types of faces that weren’t just pony.  It took a bit of adjusting in his youth. 

He ran for mayor a few years in and despite the ups and downs, hes happy with the hoof prints he’s been leaving. 


He is on of two unicorns in his immediate family. Everyone else is an earth pony. Ends up someone married in with a bit of unicorn blood.