


5 years, 5 months ago



  • Name: Kale
  • Age: 25
  • Height: 9'0"
  • Weight: ???
  • Race: Minotaur
  • Class: Circle of Spore Druid

Kale was part of a clan in the forest, then Kale developed a fungal disease. Because of this, Kale got exiled from his clan. After wandering around for a couple of weeks looking for a cure, he stumbled upon a clan of wood elves (and changelings) and asked to join their clan. They accepted under the conditions that Kale would make glowing clothed from his bioluminescent mushrooms. After awhile, Kale knew and got along with everybody, including a young, ignorant changeling named Aesriolas Mephistopheles SEVEN (Az for short). Kale then decided to leave the clan to keep searching for the cure to his disease, in which Az asked if he could tag along to gain a better understanding and learning of the outside world. Kale accepted, and the two are now characters in the current DND campaign.


  • Because of Kale's disease, he is constantly high. However, this does not kill him
  • Since he is constantly high, Az would ask questions often, and Kale would answer them badly
    • Example: Fire Genasi shoot campfires from their hands
  • Kale and Az share a father-son relationship, even though the difference in their age is 6 years.
  • Kale's disease is slowly turning him into a mushroom and decomposing his body.
  • Kale was originally a Circle of the Land Druid with specialization in the Forest
  • Kale is based off of the Highland Cow