Velora Widram



5 years, 5 months ago


Hair Color/Style: Black, is very neat and well kept- somewhat long, going down to her mid back.

Eye Color: Jade

Skin Color: Light Grey

Height: 6'0

Build: A thin pear-shape

Psionics: None

God Tier: The Seer of Life

Ancestor: The Coerator (Vekrra Widram)

Descendant: Varria Widram
Name: Velora Widram

Age: 6-8 Sweeps (13-17 Human Years)

Birth Sweep: 574 HIC

Birth Place: Alternia

Race: Alternian Troll [Jade blood]

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Status: Alive

Ancestor Title: The Animulus

AppearanceVelora is a rather petite troll, despite her over-all height. She has small hands and feet, no real bust or shoulders to speak of, but does oddly have a decent amount of hip which gives her a pear shape despite her thin size. Due to the fact she isn't threatened by any other trolls due to her Jade Blood status, she doesn't have a whole lot of muscle as she has very little to worry about in terms of combat and has a comfortable living position in Alternian society. She has a mostly rounded face with a somewhat pointed chin. Her skin is very soft though, due to her thin and petite body you will often feel her bone along with her skin. Her skin is rather pale grey, paler than most and is often tinted jade along her face due to how often she blushes.

Velora always keeps herself clean and tidy, as she doesn't want to embarrass herself by being dirty or having stains on her clothes. She will also never wear any article of clothing that has a hole in it, nor wear anything that reveals 'too much skin'. (Her idea of too much however, is likely not what many people would consider as being 'too much'.) Velora has no scars to speak of, at least none that she has shown off to anyone.

Velora wears white and black sneakers with light grey pants that are a little big on her, causing them to fall onto her shoes and behind them sometimes- they are also a little baggy on her. She wears a plain white T-shirt with short sleeves and wears a black leather jacket over-top of that. She will leave it unbuttoned when it is warmer and close it up when it is hot out. If she ever goes without her jacket she will still wear a white shirt, but ensure that it has longer sleeves to cover her arms up. 

Personality: Velora is very soft spoken and timid troll, who shares the common 'motherly trait' among many other Jade Bloods. She is quick to back down and doesn't like confrontations. She hates violence and will actively avoid fights, if she can't discourage people involved from fighting, and if that fails she will walk away completely. She almost never raises her voice and has a lot of patience with people, even when they treat her badly. Velora is also very easily embarrassed, even the most slightly suggestive comments or anything relating to her as a person can easily fluster and upset or embarrass her, as a result, she is almost always blushing. However, the same is true with compliments, she will also get very easily flustered and embarrassed whenever someone says nice things about her.

She is somewhat self conscious about her appearance, and doesn't like to show off skin as a personal preference that doesn't relate to her self conscious nature. She'd rather wear her clothes into the water than wear a bathing suit, but often will not do so due to all the odd looks that attracted one time when she tried- so she instead goes for the most modest thing she can find. Velora is a very emotional person, able to switch between being happy and on top of the world to crying and being down just based on what is happening to others around her or herself. She loves helping people and will actively seek out others to try and speak to them and help them through hard times, or just be useful in general.