

5 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Nekomata, White mage


- 29 y/o
- 173cm
- Gijinka [Espeon][Shiny]
- Demi-boy [DMAB]
- Demi-homosexual
- Therapist
- Belgian, lives on infusions and brioche, practises yoga at home, takes taekwondo classes, reads a lot of love novels, loves grapes and wine, never sneezes less than three times in a row, allergic to pollen but loves plants and flowers very much (so he has fake flowers at home and a few plants he likes to take care of, even in his cabinet), don't you dare attack one of his patient because he'll attack back, swears a lot but tries to censor himself as much as possible, 

+ Optimistic, protective, caring, great-listener ofc, patient,
- Quite crude, impulsive, 

- Jade was born with his father being all alone. The poor Vaporeon was only 16 when the little shiny Eevee came to the world. And as much as he would've wanted to get rid of the child who reminded his of the partner who left them... he simply couldn't do it. After all, he was the last piece he'd keep of his past himself... as his mother.
- He then grew up with a very loving father, who struggled quite a bit on his own though. The poor young man had to work very hard to pay his transition, his rent and enough to feed both of himself and his son. The LGBTQ+ center helped him a lot and the people there were all very kind with him and the kid. And so he grew up surrounded by a huge family.
- Even though they had very little money, his father still tried his best to offer little Jade all the things he needed, like for the other kids. When he went to school for the first time, of course he'd been teased about his odd colors, but thankfully, some children found it more pretty than weird looking. Which made his dad very happy when he saw Jade make some friends for the first time. He was quite a shy kid, but knew how to play and be very joyful around other kids he'd enjoy the company of. But as time went on, he became much more aware of his surrounding. And if he still showed himself happy and friendly with kind people... he'd be very agressive towards others who'd make fun either of his appearance or his 'fake dad'. And if at first, he'd simply push the other kids down... when he arrived to middle school it graduated to real fight. He'd throw punches to anyone who'd talk bad about his dad.
- Which had quite some trouble because of the kid being so violent. He was already really tired because of his job, but now, he had to deal with the pre-teen. So he did his best to calm him down and explained to him the situation. He didn't want Jade to get himself into more trouble... and he really didn't have the time to go to the school to fetch his son or talk to the teachers about the problem seriously. One day, Jade, nearing 14 years old, beat up one of his classmates during science class, when they were talking about the biological sex. The commentary made the kid snap and he jumped onto his classmate. The poor father had to came in emergency and took back Jade with him, as he'd been expulsed for a week because of his behaviour. And as Jade was justifying himself in the car... he heard sobs. When he turned his head around, he saw his father crying against the steering wheel. He tried his best to comfort his crying dad but it took a whole hour for the poor man to calm down from his breakdown. Afterwards, they got home and talked for a while. As much as he was grateful because his son defended him so ferociously, he needed to tell him to stop reacting so badly each time someone made fun of him. He didn't want him to ruin his life because of such thing, because of people who weren't worth it. So he listened carefully this time... and obeyed. They spent the rest of the week watching movies when his father came home, together, on the couch, with junk food... and when he got back to school, Jade learned how to control his feelings and ignored those who trash talked about his family. And he only responded with sharp words.
- Highschool and he still did his best to make his father proud of him. And to calm himself down after long days, he'd join his father during his yoga session after he'd be back from his work, both of them stretching and forgetting about their bad days in the living room with quiet music in the background, played on their old radio post.
- There, he also met a few friends starting their transition and that comforted him a lot. He'd defend them when they were being bothered by assholes, but once again, learned how to keep his fists to himself. He'd be their anchor. The person they went to when they had a problem, as Jade seemed like a reliable friend.
- And when he graduated from highschool, he knew what he wanted to do. He'd be a therapist. He wanted to help people like his friends get out of the fogs, and other people who needed a hand. From there he worked really hard, with the support of his father... and soon, his step father. His dad had met a man, during his years of college, at the LGBTQ+ center one day... and he was really a great man. Jade likes him a lot, even nowadays... and the day he got his diploma... was for sure the day he's been the happiest of all time. This is the day he evolved, actually. He could now be a therapist... and his father and his lover would get married soon. He couldn't be happier... for his father who finally had found someone reliable and who loved him for who he was.
- He then moved away to let the two of them live happily together.
- Nowadays, he works as a therapist in his own cabinet, but also comes by the LGBTQ+ center when kids needs help for themselves- or with their relatives. He takes news of his dads as often as possible and is always delighted when he receives photos of them during their vacations, now that his dad has saved enough and thanks to his husband job too. They're happy together... and so is Jade, now that everything is good for everyone. So he tries his best to make the life of his patients better as well. In hope to see them become as happy and radiant as his father.