Echo Alastor



5 years, 6 months ago


Personality: Shy, calm, independent, quiet, strong, leader, can be somewhat aggressive when her values are challenged, chronic worrier

She is also part of my story "Wolves and Dogs" 

In Wolves and Dogs, they are the intelligent species, humans having gone extinct. Dogs don't trust wolves thinking they are vile, barbaric things. Wolves think dogs are weak, living in the remains of human homes and villages. Some dogs even learning how to read human language. 

She and Loki get into a situation where they put those theories to the test. Can wolves and dogs get along? Can they fall in love? Will it ever be accepted if they do? 

Echo's mother has recently passed away and her father is dying from the loss of his mate. He tells Echo that he's leaving the pack to her because he knows she will do right by them and keep them safe. But he wants her to find a mate before he goes. He wants to see her happy. Echo takes this the wrong way thinking he means she can't take care of the pack without a mate. So she goes off alone to hunt to prove she can.