Ming-Ming Yúan



5 years, 9 months ago


Age: 25
Birthday: May 5th
Height: 4' 11" (1.5 m)
Weight: Secret
Measurements: 36P-28-54
Hair Color: Persian rose / Persian blue
Eye Color: Sapphire
Home town: Iki Town, Alola
Trainer Class: Cosmic Chef
Associated types: Dragon, "cute 'n fluffy!"
Fighting style: Hybrid martial arts
Likes: Sweets, learning something new
Dislikes: Singing, rude people
Skills: Cooking, yoga

There was once a girl who seemed rather insistent on not liking Pokémon. The daughter of a world traveler who sought to see the world for all its splendor, and the fortune teller who spoke as though she lived amongst the stars themselves... this young lass, with pink and blue spiraling hair, focused only on her martial arts training.

Living in Alola had its perks of course, the sun's rays almost dazzling, waking people to start the day with a renewed spirit. And the nights were almost romantically chilly, the people staying indoors and relaxing with one another. It was a region full of life, ranging from the people, Pokemon, and even the spirits as well...

And yet this little girl seemed insistent on not wanting to spend time with a Pokémon. Perhaps it was the emerald Espeon that was often on her shoulder, going for rides with her around town and playing tricks on her with her coquettish nature. Maybe it was in the students who trained with her, who lacked any real interest in Pokémon partners of their own. Either way, things would change as this girl met a rather scruffy Growlithe. From trying to caretake his wounds, find him food he would prefer to eat, or even giving him a playful headpat, this girl finally found a Pokémon that opened her into a new world, one beyond physical training.

This little girl, would grow up to be Ming-Ming Yúan, the rather perky (and excessively curvy) traveling chef! She tends to stick out quite easily in a crowd, whether in her colorful hair or winning smile, but she still stands quite short, and that height of hers is a sore spot! Despite her small frame, she is filled with boundless energy and vigor, always raising a hand when it comes to taking on a new quest or task! A lot of her attitude was passed down from the experiences she's had across the world, not wishing to sit still if she sees someone in trouble, especially if a Pokemon's involved. When she first arrived in Brumnim, her Pokemon posse were her Arcanine (Linhuo), Espeon (Bastet), and Vibrava (Shabao), but with each new quest, she seemed to come home to a larger and larger Pokémon family.

Her original dream was to create a Pokémon-ran restaurant. Ironic, a girl who started out not being the biggest fan of monsters would end up wishing for a restaurant ran by them. And she eventually got it made! Through quite the effort of course, saving money here and there, tackling quests both simple and difficult. She also made a variety of trainer friends, including a variety of gym leaders, the caretaker of the Starry Sky's Farm & Daycare, however...

There are moments, often when she's looking up at the moonlit sky, that she recalls some of the friends she left behind on her long, long journey. So many friends, rivals, people she may or may not meet again in the future. Looking up there in the stars, would they be looking out for her too? She can only hope that wherever they are, they're living their best life, as she wishes to live her own as well.

Currently she has no present long term goals, doing her best to keep her restaurant running like a tight ship, and work on her own personal dojo that would be the home for training towards the use of Z-moves, as well as teachings of the fighting style her father shown her years ago.