


5 years, 9 months ago


Name: Blitzblotch(responds to blitz and BB)

Age: 23

Gender: Genderfluid  (She | Her | He | Him |they )

Species: Unicorn

+ Unjudgmental
+ Devoted and loyal
+ Inspiring and ambitious
- Chatty
- Blunt
- Unrelenting
x Lazy
x Low self esteem
x Burns out quickly

Likes: Drawing, comics, electrical equipment, cloud walking, friends, racing, Sewing, gardening, gaming, close friends, talking and gossiping about politics, debating, deep discussions, talking about cute things, staying inside, fixing things, putting things together and seeing how they work, having things done her way, praising her friends.

Dislikes:  The general public, the sun(because sunburn), swimming, organizing, brushing mane, looking good in public, others disapproving of others looks, pushy stallions, needy attention fillies, traditional ponies and narrow-minded idiots

Born and raised in the country, this filly learned the hard way how to achieve her own way of surviving in the family she was placed into. With a messy foal as a brother with a general dislike for all ponies and a mother who looked at her more like property than an actual child, Blitzblotch had to learn how to achieve small feats of her own in order to keep her mood high and keep her motivated. Her mother only used her as a proof of her status in the world and how good she'd done as a mother, boasting about her foals and where they stood in the world but while doing so, didn't notice them. They went for years being with a mother who was more focused on her own achievements and how well she did, not even realizing that her foals were raising themselves. It was terrible but young blitz took advantage of it every second. She learned how to do things on her own, how to cast magic alone, how to see the world around her like nobody else did and slowly but surely, how to survive in it. Her brother and her were distant so eventually, she stopped caring altogether for him and ended up being blamed for his failures when she tried to push everytime her mother demanded she'd do better.

It was bad for some time. Depression, fear, and anxiety set in and school only highlighted on these. Feeling left out and ignored never really left for all those years and the push and only love she received from her mother, was to do better. It rotted her insides with stress and forced the once shining mare to become more reclusive and uncomfortable in her own skin. It was rough but she continued to tried to seek out her own way to shine. Of course, he mother tried to take any hobby she had and turn it into a full-time career but Blitz would find ways to enjoy life and friends that made every second of it worth it, every push and struggle in life making sense with knowing that people cared to know the hell she was trotting on, every day.

This young pony grew up into a fine adult, going out of her way to show off her inner beauty and finding others who saw it shine and flocked to it, admiring it, adoring it but never.... she never really noticed. She never seemed to notice just how MANY pony really did flock to her, always concerned about how much she put out into the world that she didn't see that the ponyfolk who did see her, were all worth a million to so many others. Even the stragglers who adored her, there was so many but... from a fillyhood of being pushed, she continues to never see it nor how much of an inspiration she is to so many of all ages around her. Still, nothing holds this pony down and every time she falls she's back up, trying out something new..... as long as she's not forced to go outside to learn how to do it.

Blitz is great at generating electrical energy with their magic and their horn can often spark when not focusing.
Blitz does know weather altering spells as well as being able to walk on clouds. It helps with getting power.  
The patches of her pelt are a skin condition. While harmless they do put her at risk for sunburn

Blitz resides in the Pegasus town of Avia(pretty much a cloudsdale). Because of this, they are very versed in teleportation spells, cloud walking, cloud manipulation, and a bit of levitation. Blitz handles weather manipulation as well electrical generation and control. The more of storm around her, the more dangerous she can be.  

History written by ltty-bitty best girlfriend a person can ever have

(This is my sona for answering questions about rodeo ravine characters)