Dr. Healthydose



5 years, 9 months ago


Name: Dr. Healthydose

Age: 47

Gender: Female

Species: Unicorn


Healthy dose is a very intelligent mare, and loves to spend her time in the books updating her knowledge.  She tries not to react on gut instincts and tries to evaluate situations with facts and resources. Having been in the medical field she is confident about what she does and tries to help anyone she can. Understanding the limits of how far others will go and will stop if the patient is completely against help.  Knowing well that fighting will not solve a problem and will cause only more pain.

The mare is however nosey, and does like to know what is going on around town. Happily getting into conversations with patients to make sure nothing else is going wrong, and to know a bit of their life. Due to the trusting happy nature she can be a bit gullible at times and can become quite opinionated once she realizes that she’s been fooled.

Likes: helping others, snakes, medicine, nature, magic, Nightberry, peace

Dislikes: illnesses, dirty conditions, pollution


Born and raised in Solaris, this pony is a happy go lucky hard worker with a hunger for the knowledge of the world around her. Having been encouraged by her parents to learn all that she could, healthydose took it upon herself to be absolutely the nosiest thing in the world.  Butting into the business of friends to help them and following her suppose to be babysitting cousins as they studied for their exams.

The young philly taking a liking to the medical research after the pony recited the studies to her as a way to remember what he was learning. Young Healthydose became able to recite the information back and had started to learn it. As she got older she started to help out with the basic assignments. Her cutiemark came out around this time and as a young philly decided that her calling in life was to help others.

Sticking her nose into everything she learned at lot, as well as not all issues are easily fixed. All the experience lead her to being accepted into the solarian medical institute where she studied and trained to be a licensed professional, following her dream to help her empire. She worked in Solaris for a long time before taking the chance to travel.

Eventually meeting a stubborn deer known as nightberry. She had a lot to learn from the deer about natural medicines once she managed to befriend him. The deer sticking with her wherever she wanted to travel, landing them in the Rodeo Ravine as there was a problem with common miner related ailments. Concerning healthy dose greatly who is staying in the Ravine forever long the location needs her.

She considers Nightberry to be her deerest friends
She's punny when she can be