
Name: Crescent salve, dr.Salve

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Species: Bat pony


Positive: Calm, witty, tidy, solid,secure, reliable, preceptive

Negative: Blunt, critical, Gloomy, Greedy, inconsiderate, predatory, secretive, stiff, vindictive

Likes: Money, medicine, work, mixing herbs, making potions, soft music, flying, fruit , his child

Dislikes: failure, running patients, intense combat, children


Time can bruise the innocence of a lonely colt, even with the biggest of hearts it can age it and rot it and leave it a withered lump within a cold husk. Not a soul could escape it, not even Crescent Salve. Ever since he was just a young colt, nothing has gone right in his eyes, for as long as he could remember he was an orphan left in the cold and ignored by the world, at nights swooping into fruit farms to gorge himself on the stolen juices of another's hard labor and in the day, surviving the farmers attacks to frighten the young colt off his land.

Surely, a farmer would not turn down a young colt for a few fruit of a massive forest? Well, he would not have if Crescent salve was a normal pony orphan. No... In the dark of the night he flew on jagged, unfeathered wings of leather and dug sharp fangs into the fruit to dry them of all they had. No... The farmer was fearful of this child, he and the town feared his approach.

They feared the shadow of the Chiroptera pegasus. Crescent salve was a Bat pony.

Who's luck was ending... The town had finally managed to outsmart the crafty colt and snag him long enough in a trap to crowd him and try to land a killing blow. Crescent, filled with fear, lashed out and injured them but through it they gave the blow and smashed the delicate structure of his right wing. Still, adrenaline pushed him to fight back and escape with what little pride he had, even if injured he pushed away and took to the air with the injured wing only allowing him to escape the townsfolk for a few minutes of precious air time before he crashed back down through the forest thicket and laid limp on the cold dirt. It was a good fight but he let the night swallow him in it's dark blanket, masking him away from the world and feeding him away to the wrath of the oncoming townsfolk. He didn't make a move, aside from the rise and fall of his sides he just stared out in a lost daze, blinded by pain and only aware to the townsfolk arriving, their hooves against the forest floor and the heat of their torches warming his flank.

Glazed over eyes rose to the heat source to meet death with dignity but as his life flooded out him he instead noticed in his last seconds that the heat was coming off of a unicorn's horn... None of the townsfolk were unicorn- He stared at this glowing light as it approached, shooting off magnificent lights against an ivory cream coat. A mare, she approached and he realized that there was no horn but a glowing amulet perched on her forehead, sending off sparks and just a general flare.... He stared at the earth mare before letting his head drop.

This was how Crescent Salve came to know Vanilla flare.

Waking alone came to a shock, having expected to be chained to the bed he woke in but instead, he found a still-warm meal, water and blankets all around him. Lifting a wing, he found it bandaged and tightly mended to almost a perfection and well... Looking up, spotting her walking past the room, they merely looked at one another before she smiled and gave a casual nod and continued to tend to chores. Crescent was unsure of how to react but knew he needed to leave, slurping down his meal and getting to his hooves, he moved silently toward the front door but just upon reaching it- a tug to his bushy tail had him turn, ready to attack. If... not for the fact that a colt, younger than himself was grabbing it. A little navy blue pony but... much like himself, he wasn't normal. This colt was tiny and instead of a mane of hair, he was finned like a fish and his tail was a chunky fish tail. Like scars on his face, either side of his fat little cheeks had two gills but five ran down either side of his throat, those, heavier covered in thick scales to protect the delicate, tiny throat. "Where are you going! Let's play!" he cried out, bubbles blown at the bat pony who blinked in a shock to the soft personality of an innocent child. He tried to push him away but found himself yanked harder- this time was a power he hadn't expected in such a tiny body and he was left shocked more now, stunned and staring at the tiny red eyed fish. "I must leave. I do not belong here." He spoke quietly to him. Turning to leave, he bumped into a larger body. This one did not move much as he did and he turned to see an earth pony with dirty fur and a face of a full grown stallion almost- He stepped away and bumped into another tiny, this time a filly with cute green eyes who instantly puffed up and snorted at him. The three were curious about him and stared and he tried to book it to the door but ended up with a face full of warm, silky fur. 

"Children, children.... Easy. Can't you see our guest has been through a lot? Give him space and time." She spoke in a demanding yet crisp and warm tone and shooed the others off. Meanwhile, Crescent tried to escape but found his scruff yanked up and his body hanging from the mare's mouth. Ending up back in the room... again.... and again... and again- at every escape attempt, she outsmarted him and pulled him back to the room until the umpteenth time where he sucummed to sleep.

This cycle continued without end and Crescent salve found himself getting to know this little family. There was five altogether... Vanilla flare, the mother of her three little rugrats and she raised them alone, a strong mare who practiced magic through ancient relics despite her being an earth pony. While alone, it did seem like she had a mate, he was a silent and snappy stallion who seemed to dislike his mate and children and it confused Crescent... a lot. He kept away from that stallion, just considered him a cold bastard. His name was Depthshard. Despite him being the placement father in the home, it looked like the father of two of the children wasn't around but Crescent learned his name was Venturepoem. Him and Vanillaflare had Jadeforce, their tiny filly- Then Vast abyss their tiny colt and then... Golden maverick- their very... very large colt. They... were odd but they became... well, they grew on him.

So when the day came where his wing was fully healed and he booked it to the door- he came to a stop and stared back at the living room... Vanilla was nowhere to be seen and he had all the space available to book it but... his hooves didn't budge and the urge to escape felt more like he'd be running into a trap instead of... freedom. He was free here and now, Vanilla was leaving the way open, the choice and the will. He stepped back, tucked his wings and went ahead to enjoy his dinner when his name was called.

That was some time ago and this colt grew into a large stallion.

Vanilla flare was a fine mother and Crescent an even better brother to his siblings. While different and in their family with fangs and leathered wings, not a single child looked at him wrong in this family while so many others did. Vanilla had tried to send her bat son to school but found out his scars were too deep to be allowed near other ponies so Crescent along with his siblings were taught at home. Crescent served as a mediator between his siblings, who loved to attack one another and go after other colts and fillies around the neighborhood and he did great to keep them in check and well behaved. Crescent continued to grow alongside his siblings, the biggest help in Vanilla's life since her mate did nothing helpful and barely was around to begin with. Crescent eventually finished school alongside with his siblings and him and Vast abyss continued on to seek further education while Golden maverick and Jade force went about with training in other ways. Crescent finished his next step of education and found himself still unsatisfied... until Vanilla introduced him to an old friend by the name of Nightberry who lived deep in the heart of the forest and practiced medicine. 

Long story short, Crescent found his calling and while it had taken him many moons to realize, his cutie mark and name now had a reason to exist and Crescent salve practiced medicine beside Nightberry with a new passion despite the flat expressions he held and lack of emotions. Eventually, he began to create new remedies and surpass his mentor, taking his leave to go out into the world and explore it for all it's secrets. While he knew his mother would be sad alone at home, he broke free of the nest with the silent promise to return to Vanilla one day.

He had a long adventure but he came back to Vanilla sooner than he thought he would have been. She watched as her stone-faced son stood in front of her and introduced her to her grandaughter- A small filly who bounced around and between his legs and went by the name Jasmine moon. His mother accepted them both back with open love and let them stay until he could find a home to settle down with his daughter. There were specialized homes for bat ponies which he assumed would be good for his child and himself. Crescent found himself at home in the caves of this area and decided that this would be his new home... A small place by the name of Rodeo Ravine. Setting up shop, Crescent became their medicine maker and eventually with the help of the local doctors, an official medical expert.