


5 years, 9 months ago


Design is by me

 Name: Zeena

 Gender: omnigender (any pronoun is fine)

 relationship: none Sexuality: aro/ace

species: Human

 Personality: A bit silly, has a hard time being serious seriously. Loves to build things, especially robots. Doesn’t like rude assholes, especially those who think they can take advantage of her. Extrovert, however, she dislikes people a lot and prefers machines. Not to say she hates everyone, she just finds herself more tense around humans. Constantly moving around, loves traveling. I based a lot of her personality and story of the current sole survivor I’m playing as (minus the obsessive psycho use the ss I’m playing as does). 

Story: Her community was attacked by raiders and her family, along with most of the community’s settlers, were killed. She started following a group of scavengers and was quickly recognized with a talent for fixing and making things. She became a handyman for the group for a few years, until she had enough of it and left. Soon after, she found a factory owned by General atomics and managed to grab one of the Mr.Handys inside, before the place became over run with feral ghouls. She fixed it up and sometime later, found another, more broken up one. She is now a scavenger who travels around with robots and is currently trying to fix up an assultron (though its like a limb and a head) and considers her robots to be family. She dislikes the Brotherhood of Steel a lot, like more than the Institute. She wandered in on the Railroad one time and helps them out as well, along with other settlements in the common wealth, in exchange for supplies and parts.