Heller Rathbur



8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Cis Male



Romantic/Sexual Orientation

Bisexual/Biromantic, though it is doubtful he would ever become close enough to anyone to form any sort of bond like that. He does his best to push everyone away, believing that he no longer wants to be loved or love anyone in reutrn. Though it's unsure how true that is.


Heller was incredibly close to his twin brother, Kell, the two were inseperable and spent their entire lives that way. When they were 21, Heller made the desicion to travel to Yharnam, Kell was apprehensive, but followed his persistant brother as he always had. They spent a couple of years there before the city went to hell, and eagerly took up the mantle of hunters, working as a fearsome duo. It all came crashing down one horrible night, Heller had suggested they explore a recently unexplored area, his brother apprehensively followed. He told his brother to check down the dark alleyway, not knowing there was a large beast waiting just around the corner. He froze when it grabbed his brother, watching in a horrified stupor as he was torn apart, as the creature dropped the disemboweled form of his brother to the ground Heller did something he'd never done before, he ran, leaving his brother's body behind. He returned to the scene several hours later, finding little left of his brother, but he collected what he could of him and buried him as best he could. He has never been the same since witnessing that, and the memories still haunt him, the screams and the gory scene replaying almost constantly, especially when he is out on the hunt. He has become reluctantly attached to a young hunter named Fenway, whom he has come to see as a brother.



HEIGHT: 5'10

WEIGHT: 157 Lbs

FITNESS LEVEL: Despite his rather poor hygene, Heller manages to retain his form as a Hunter. He is a tall and lean man, better for evading than brute strength, though he is pretty balanced as far as speed and power goes.

TYPICAL ATTIRE: Heller wears the typical attire seen on most Hunters, though his is a bit more shabby and beat up due to his lack of care and caution, it's clear he has had many close calls.



MANNERISMS-  At one point in his life, Heller was a very kind and gentle man, considerate and polite, it could be said that there was not a wicked bone in his body. But the years have not been kind, and it shows in his hatred for the world around him. He has no care for humanity, and sees most people as a lost cause, everyone leaves him and everyone dies, so he feels it is worthless to even try. He has become incredibly cold and distant, pushing away anyone who attempts to grow close to him and locking himself away in his own fragmented mind. Sometimes his hardened and cruel exterior cracks and the kind man he was before shows, this is usually only around his partner, a bright young man named Fenway. He tries hardest to push Fen away, and can often become increasingly aggrivated when his attempts fail, but in reality the older man appreciates his persistance. He fears isolation more than anything, and no matter how much he acts as if he desires solitude, he really longs for companionship more than anything, he has simply become too cripplingly afraid of losing people to be able to connect. He acts otherwise, but he is honestly glad for Fenway's refusal to be driven away, and the boy's upbeat and unshakeable faith tends to bring out a better side of the old man that no one else sees. He has lost much of his sense of self preservation since the death of his brother, feeling that his life means nothing, he takes more risks and spends less time caring for himself, the only thing really keeping him tethered to the world is Fenway, who has become very much like a brother to him, though he is terrified to admit it.

DAILY HABITS-  Heller's day tends to be unpredictable and hectic, but his most common daily habit is visiting the place where he buried his brother, it's almost an obsessive action, one he finds himself doing even when he had no intent to do so that day.

STRENGTHS-  Heller is a strong willed man, quite fearless and more than a little resilient. He is logical and calculating, good at assessing a situation befor ehe rushes in to give himself and his partner the best advantage. He is good at shirking off pain or injury, making him very endurant.

WEAKNESSES-  Though he is tactical, he has developed a nasty lack of self preservation that causes him to take many uneccessary risks, often putting himself in more danger than needed. He has a very explosive temper, and sometimes it takes very little for him to go off, yelling and even getting physical with whoever had the misfortune of being there. He is a bit unpredictable and a bit callous towards others, leaving him very unpleasant to work with most of the time.

PTSD- Though he has no way of having it officially diagnosed, it is very likely that Heller's behavior is a byproduct of PTSD left over from the even that cost his brother his life. He experienced an incredibly dramatic shift in personality after the fact, from a kind and gentle man to a cold and irritable shell of who he was. He has become a distant person who compulsively pushes and drives most people away with his anger and aggressive behavior. He often avoid sleeping for extended periods out of fear of the dreams that often plague him, a dangerous habit with the job that he has, but he has become very skilled at functioning on little sleep, catching short cat naps when he is able. He is stubborn in his insistence to remain a Hunter despite the flashbacks and breakdowns that it sometimes causes him, though this could be attributed to his need to keep Fenway safe, as Fenway seems to be the only person who he will even remotely let in, and who can keep the man mostly grounded. He has developed very self destructive behaviors as well, purposefully putting himself in harms way or being more risky than neccessary, as if a part of him hopes to be cut down in the process. He has become very good at hiding his emotions, especially when he is on the verge of breaking down, and will often become especially distant and aggressive when he feels one coming on. He tries his best to hide how much it effected him, but he's getting worse and worse at it, especially around Fenway, almost as if a part of him wants the boy to notice.

Delusion-  Though he manages to, for the most part, function fairly normally, Heller sometimes has moments where he will become lost in his own memories, mistakening Fenway for his dead brother can calling him Kell, he can become fightfully emotional and is often completely unaware when he snaps back to reality.



✓☺LIKES:   Sweets, birds, flowers, peace and quiet, sunrise, music(especially the piano), talking to Fenway(though he'd never admit it)

✗☹ DISLIKES: Loud noises, crowded areas, most people, being isolated









Profile Outline by CaptainChai