


5 years, 5 months ago




"Why not? Only one man has ever survived a battle where I don't control my magic. He is behind me, you are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."

❥ References

❥ Gallery

❥ Theme

❥ Voice

【 Profile 】

NICKNAMEAngel, Enjel
D.O.B.December 20
SPECIES/RACEPart human/Part Dusk Dragon
OCCUPATIONRoyal Mage/Retainer for Alfonse
VOICEMae Whitman

Enjela is the personal mage and retainer of the Askr prince Alfonse, having grown up alongside him and sworn her loyalty to him as soon as she learned how to control her magic to where it wasn't going to go out of control.

Her mother hailed from the World Of Birthright and her father was unknown, but her mother died sometime after Sharena was born, leaving her to largely be raised by Alfonse's parents alongside Alfonse and Sharena.

Most people in the castle, the staff mainly, are well aware of how her magic can go out of control, especially if she's trying to use fire or wind magic, those two types she's been vastly unable to master.










【 Story 】

Early Life

"Heeeeeeeeeey Alfy!"

Enjel's mother sought aid from the royal family of Askr, having been chased by an unknown figure who was set on ending her and Enjel's life. Alfonse's mother took pity on the woman and crying two year old, having been very much pregnant with Sharena at the time, taking them in and giving them aid in return for her mother becoming one of her retainers, as Enjel's mother had told her she was very good at mixing magic with fighting with daggers and Alfonse's mother was becoming well aware of the dangers to herself while pregnant so she needed someone who could defend her.

Eventually, Alfonse met her and Enjel took to him like a sister, often playing with him and sneaking him cookies from the kitchen. At one point after Sharena's birth, Enjel's mother and Alfonse's mother went somewhere and Enjel's mother didn't come back, the woman being presumed dead.

Enjel was a girl who did her best to not get in trouble, often trailing behind Alfonse when he had lessons and often listened in and watched, not being allowed to participate but took as much information in as she could. Alfonse sometimes snuck her books from the library as she wasn't allowed in there.

When she was around ten, her magic started surfacing in erratic bursts, often leaving the room a mess and her in a fit of tears, it was clear she shared her mother's gift of magic. Soon she started taking lessons on how to control her magic which Alfonse often watched from the sidelines, being incredibly curious about the skills she was learning.

Teenage Years and ADULTHOOD

"Alfonse, if you'll let me, I swear to protect you as both your friend and retainer."

Enjel was a fast learner especially with books that helped her learn, quickly becoming a mage of incredible talent by the time she was nineteen and being able to safely channel her magic and control it. Though much to everyone's confusion she was unable to learn Fire and wind magic.

Despite Alfonse being told to not spend so much time with her, he often spent his days after both of their lessons with her, talking and chatting about anything that struck their fancy. She actually encouraged him to join the Order Of Heroes if that's where he truly felt he belonged.

Shortly before he did so, she swore her loyalty to him as his retainer, saying that she wanted to protect him and be by his side no matter what, their bond of friendship being that strong. She stood by him when he joined the Order, despite all the backlash and stayed by his side through thick and thin.

Alamalina is summoned to Askr

"I have to say, Alamalina your cloak is very soft and suits you! I bet you also look quite cute under that hood, hehe."

She fought alongside Alfonse when Embla began invading Askr, fighting with all she had and was fighting alongside him when Anna ran up with a cloaked figure in tow. She was rather friendly to Alamalina once she found out she was the great hero who could summon heroes.

【 Personality 】

Describe your character's personality.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tincidunt nisi tellus, eget eleifend risus scelerisque quis. Vestibulum vitae cursus est, a molestie arcu. Pellentesque sollicitudin risus quis dui blandit, sit amet commodo urna dignissim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam pharetra ipsum non tincidunt euismod. Vivamus venenatis venenatis libero in aliquet. Suspendisse suscipit ligula eu pretium ultrices.

Sed pellentesque massa sed dui euismod pretium. Praesent pellentesque a metus in tristique. Vivamus vel purus neque. Etiam vitae neque arcu. Curabitur venenatis in ex nec elementum. Integer pretium auctor scelerisque. Nunc at laoreet sapien. Etiam dignissim tempor tellus, vel accumsan est efficitur in.

Vivamus dictum lacus quis vestibulum porttitor. Nam quis consectetur lorem, at blandit leo. Cras id facilisis odio. Pellentesque a tempor arcu, quis iaculis eros. Sed blandit tempus aliquam. Fusce facilisis quis tortor interdum tempus. Mauris feugiat risus non libero hendrerit, quis hendrerit lacus suscipit. Praesent sem dui, molestie ac nulla id, ullamcorper posuere nisl. Maecenas eget vulputate tortor. Curabitur lacinia ex augue, vitae consectetur diam malesuada in. Nulla pulvinar eu erat sit amet gravida. Etiam aliquet odio velit, vel convallis quam rhoncus at. Phasellus dictum pharetra ex, eget pharetra mi tristique eu. Cras nulla magna, congue vel libero nec, placerat scelerisque ante. Nam eu mollis enim, id pretium elit. Donec id gravida justo.

Fusce sagittis id leo et pulvinar. Suspendisse et nunc in justo consectetur sodales. In rutrum ac felis in hendrerit. Ut gravida tempor urna quis euismod. Quisque pulvinar a risus sit amet vestibulum. Aliquam ultrices, augue quis varius hendrerit, mi turpis varius lacus, vitae commodo tortor nisl vitae lorem. Proin convallis volutpat libero eget congue. Proin at arcu in nisl maximus posuere ultrices gravida diam. Aenean rutrum velit vel ligula egestas, ac condimentum nulla fermentum. Aliquam sit amet vehicula ante. Aenean et sem fringilla, malesuada sem vel, tempor neque. Praesent auctor a libero sit amet fringilla.

Curabitur ac lectus pharetra, aliquet arcu ornare, molestie diam. Sed at nunc non lorem laoreet efficitur vitae non ante. Phasellus euismod, tortor eget egestas accumsan, massa erat mattis eros, vitae ornare libero enim id arcu. Sed at lacus luctus mauris laoreet scelerisque tincidunt a elit. Phasellus tristique sed ante id volutpat. Integer facilisis metus felis, ut efficitur ex sollicitudin ultrices. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla ante mauris, molestie imperdiet mauris vitae, imperdiet condimentum ligula. Quisque lacinia posuere magna, a finibus felis iaculis fermentum. Sed fermentum mi ac eros gravida faucibus non quis mauris. Vivamus a justo ac enim bibendum dignissim. Sed sollicitudin tristique facilisis. Sed sit amet venenatis sapien, eget posuere tellus. Aliquam nec suscipit lacus.

【 Details 】


What does your character's name mean? Explain the reason(s) they were named as such. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis odio eu erat placerat feugiat.


  • Body Build: Slim
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 190
  • Skin Colour: Fair
  • Hair Style: Long, braided in places with green ribbons
  • Hair Colour: red
  • Eye Shape: Almond
  • Eye Colour: Green
  • Distinguishing Features: Soft facial features,
  • Preferred Clothing: ----
  • Accessories: ----


  • General Health: ---
  • Posture: ---
  • Smokes?: ---
  • Drugs?: ---
  • Physical Illnesses, Disabilities, Etc.: ---
  • Mental Illnesses, Disabilities, Etc.: ---


  • Way of Speaking: ---
  • Common Conversation Starter: ---
  • Swears?: ---
  • Quirks?: ---


  • "---"
  • "---"
  • "---"
  • "---"
  • "---"


  • ---
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  • ----
  • ----
  • ----
  • ----
  • ----


  • Skill 1: ----
  • Skill 2: ----
  • Skill 3: ----
  • Skill 4: ----
  • Skill 5: ----


  • ----
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  • ----
  • ----
  • ----


  • ----
  • ----
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  • ----
  • ----
  • ----
  • ----
  • ----


  • Food: ----
  • Colour: ----
  • Animal: ----
  • Number: ----
  • Holiday: ----
  • Season: ----
  • Time of Day: ----
  • Type of Art: ----
  • Genre of Music: ----
  • Genre of Literature: ----
  • Genre of Shows: ----
  • Genre of Movies: ----


  • ----
  • ----
  • ----
  • ----
  • ----

【 Relationships 】

Character Name

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.

Character Name

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.

Character Name

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.

Character Name

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.

Character Name

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.