


5 years, 6 months ago


Design is by me

Name: Marrow
Gender: Female
Relationship: none
Sexuality: Demisexual
Age: 32
species: skull monster fox thing
magic: shadow magic

personality: doesn’t speak much, very protective over Dallas. Polite around strangers but also distant. When in the company of those she is familiar with, she tends to be silent. Only really talks to Dallas. Can be very aggressive and easy to anger, has recognized this and wants to learn to be calmer in stressful situations. Fearful monsters would come and take Dallas from her. Has a horrible fear of being alone.

story: The only public information about Marrow before she went into hiding was her work with a mysterious monster named Ordeal. Unknown events led to the twos disbandment. lost her child and mate to a plague that later comes and kills a lot of monsters in Monsternia. She found Dallas when he arrived through the origin as an infant and rather than bringing him to the authorities to find proper parents for him, she fled to the woods in the first section of Monsternia and has remained in hiding with Dallas since.