


5 years, 6 months ago


Design is by me

Pierre is the leader of the 2nd section of Monsternia

Name: Pierre
Gender: Male
Relationship: None
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Bird Monster
Magic: Metal manipulation
Age: 47

Personality: Thinks himself to be better than most people. Most likely will only look out for himself and rarely is the kind of monster to compliment others, unless it is the king. Very prideful and is happy to be running one of the wealthiest sections of Monsternia. Absolutely dislikes the tribals and has mentioned many times to make laws to force them to convert to modern Monsternia, laws that most section leaders each time they were brought up, declined. Hates larger monsters as well and does not get along with the 4th and 5th section leaders (he makes fun of the 5th section leader for being in charge of the poorest section of Monsternia). Is very loyal to the king, however, and will obey him even though he disagrees with some of the Kings rules.

Story: Was born and grew up in the 2nd section of Monsternia and never knew a life that didn’t have its riches and comfort. Pierre was known for his work in treasury and when the old section 2 leader died, he was first pick for the role. Pierre has used his rule to try and get laws passed to get rid of residing tribal monsters, bring more benefits to richer monsters, and to take away the 5th section and split that land up among the other section leaders, all of which has been declined by the other section leaders and king of Monsternia.