

8 years, 2 months ago
Trade Listing
For Trade
For Offer
$20 - $40

Basic Info


6 feet, 8 inches.


DJ, but also works at a movie theater part-time. Neither pay very well.








Xynthii, a closed species by ObsceneBarbie


  • P.S. note that most of the art of him is old and so he no longer really wears this cutesy of clothing. It's still bright, but now he'll wear more retro casual clothing than bright/pastel outfits!

  • Personality

Zero is cheerful and kindhearted, he'll lend a hand to anyone in need. But he is, unfortunately, rather dense and absentminded. He's a hopeless romantic and often picked on for that. He'll get along with you unless you treat others poorly, then he'll stand up to you. He's nearly compatible to any personality, except snarky or overly rude, mean, people. He's afraid of annoying or irritating people, so initially, he is a bit awkward and a tad bit shy, until he knows you won't be annoyed by him. He can get a bit passive aggressive when he's jealous and he's not good at hiding it. He's often positive trying to encourage his friends to also be positive and when bad things happen he's the one to encourage everyone to look on the bright side. Due to his pure nature, he is a good platonic friend to girls and likes sleepovers with them simply because he enjoys talking to them and watching movies, not for any romantic and/or pervy reason.

  • History

Zero was a very lonely child, he was very sociable but never had any friends, as many children found him irritating due to his overly-energetic personality and inability to think straight for a long amount of time.
Eventually, he realized people disliked him and he began playing music to cope with being lonely.
He moved around a lot as a child, eventually, once his parents settled into one set place he began DJ-ing which he loves with all his heart.

  •  Appearance

Tall and scrawny (give this boy some food please). He has light blue skin. His hair is split into three colors, green, purple, and blue, with highlights of yellow, purple, and green throughout his hair. His eye color is lavender and his sclera is black. His teeth are pure white and his tongue is short (common length) and purple. He has no skin markings. His ears have many piercings, but he isn't always wearing earrings in them.

  •  Extra

☆Likes: music (his favorite genres being  hip-hop, pop, and electronic.), video games, Disney, sleepovers, chick-flicks, vegan ice cream, accessories, clothing, bright colors, cuddles, TV, movies, and painting nails (his or otherwise.)

☆Dislikes: Bullies, feeling like a pest, close minded people, facial hair, reading (other than comics. It gives him headaches.)

☆When he has nail polish on he has a habit of picking at it when he gets nervous.

☆His hair is dyed and the actual color is bleach blond.

☆He wears hair gel that smells like candy. 

☆He was really bad at school.