Jane Amanda Carstine



8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info






Axe, or knife if she is traveling(she buys one where she goes and disposes it after the deed)


Kansas, USA




Amanda lived with mainly her elderly grandmother for the first 18 years of her life due to her parents work (they technically all lived in the same house but because of the hospital expenses they had to work a lot). Her Gran loved to tell her fairy tales ~ but due to her age she preferred to read the 'original' stories, you know them? when instead of scaring off the wolf, he gets gutted by the huntsmen? and instead of leaving the pigs alone he gets roasted and ate? instead of living happily ever after with her prince the mermaid turns into sea foam? maybe how Cinderella's step-sisters cut of their toes to fit the shoe?

Being brought up from the impressionable age she was Amanda began to see the world as one of those stories, her mother and father were too late to stop the damage once they saw. Amanda's real downfall started when her Gran got Alzheimer's and without treatment it got progressively worse. While Amanda stayed a constant in her life so she never fully forgot her, just sometimes forgot her age or relation(sometimes seeing her as her own child). But with her son and daughter in-law coming home at increasingly unknown times, the old woman was drove to suspicion. She shared with a young Jane how to 'find the big bad wolf' and how she was so sure that the people coming into her home was wolves looking for an easy meal. Amanda was skeptical but after years and years of listening to her Gran she had a change of heart.

Fear and paranoia now driving her every move Amanda proceeded to 'gather strength' to 'fight the wolves'. Because she knew she could never defeat them as she was. As it is their family lived on a semi working farm, semi because her parents intend to sell it after her Gran dies, as to not upset the older woman so close to death. As such they have very little cattle and a few horses. So Jane would then help the sparse workers they employed, to build up her strength and skills. Her Gran died not too long after her 19th birthday , but she didn't see it that way. She saw ' the wolves', she could hear them laughing at her, hear their howls in the night. she avoided the fakes that replaced her loving parents. She had to do something, anything to avenge her gran.

She planned it for after the funeral, she would kill the wolves. And she would have help after, an Cattle-worker who lived on his own. Offered her his protection and home if she ever needed it after her gran died. He was an ordinary looking guy, pretty young at 23 years of age. he made a living working on her farm, but had a fall back job on a much bigger cattle ranch.

After the deed was done Jane changed into her favorite dress and grabbed her grandfathers axe (which she used to gut the wolves) after cleaning herself and the weapon she proceeded to grab her prepacked suit case. after breaking a few things, tossing some 'stolen items' into a lake far off the beaten path. Jane took one look back at the now burning home and smiled 'Two wolves down' . She now lives with the Cattle-worker who is currently trying to  help her get the farm back, as it stands the 'crime' was ruled as a robbery gone wrong. Jane's 'alibi' checked out in the eyes of the sheriff, the worker, now her husband insisting she was with him during the whole thing. He didn't really know that it was her that killed them for years after, even then he didn't go to the police. From the years of living with Amanda, he became 'under her spell'. He didn't want to loose her, he couldn't even think of life without her in it.