
5 years, 6 months ago


Ari Morningstar

shy . sweet . cuddly . adorable

"I love you. Please don't ever forget that."

Name Ari Morningstar
Called Ari
Age Unknown (Physical age: 20)
DoB Unknown
Gender Female
Height 5'4"
Race Shifter (physical form: Maine Coon Cat)
Role N/A
Demeanor Quiet
Soft Things
Warm Drinks
Cuddles (But only with specific people)
New people
Loud noises


Ari was a defective shifter, living in the slums of the shifter planet. She spent her days doing the work no one wanted to do. She used to take medication to nullify her emotions (mainly her anxiety and depression). She also had one place that she could escape to, and that was a cliff in a small patch of forest that overlooked a small lake. Compared with the rest of the synthetic planet, it was beautiful and it made Ari happy to escape to the peace of it. One day, Will showed up there, as they had both been coming to the same spot for some time. Will, being the king of the species, terrified Ari and made her think that he was going to destroy her for showing that she was a defect. However, when she ran, he followed her, and explained that he would do nothing like that. The two agreed to continue after talking through much of the evening and enjoying each other’s company. After a number of meetings, Ari confesses that she has lost her home and is now living on the streets. Will decides that she should live with him and offers to make him a maid at his palace, although she wouldn’t be treated like a simple maid, due to their friendship. They only grew closer as the days went on, and they both fell in love, which Ari confessed to him one night in fear. He reciprocated and they became a couple. However, love is the ultimate taboo on the planet, due to the emotionless nature of the species. In order to make life safe for them, he took a chance and left Ari to change the timeline of the species. The two then flee the planet in the dead of night in order to live together freely.

They found a planet far away and settled down. Will shared a piece of his star with her, connecting the two in ‘marriage’ and the two began their family, coming to have 3 children. However, the oldest son became corrupted and attacked his younger brother while Will and Ari were elsewhere. The second oldest, their daughter managed to escape. When Ari found her youngest son desecrated in his bed, she confronted her oldest, but she tried to reason with him and was injured in the process. Will just managed to get them away with their lives, although he wasn’t fast enough to get away with Ari. Ari sacrificed herself by making Will leave her behind. Luckily for her, her son wasn’t going for her and didn’t see her hiding, allowing her to escape to one of the tiny escape pods they kept. She put herself into cryostasis and escaped the planet. She then floated space for a very long time, before landing on earth, many, many millennia later. When she woke, she had no memory of her past, and Will not knowing that she was his wife, took her in. After training and shenanigans leading to Alex (another girl who was friends with Will) being fused with Ari, and Will ‘marrying’ her again (giving her another piece of his star), Will takes a sample of her blood. Upon testing it, he finds that she is his long lost wife and he does his best to give her back her memories, although there are gaps left. The two of them, now technically double married decide to have children again, having a son and a daughter (Joe and Lyn). The family of 4 now live comfortably in their large house on the cliff, surrounded by people that Will takes in, and plagued by odd adventures and dangers.




Ari, despite being a cat, actually enjoys water. She loves to wade in the water, but is a horrible swimmer.

She is an decent cook. Shifters don't technically need to eat, but Ari took it upon herself to learn how to cook, and now cooking and baking are some of her favorite hobbies.

Ari has two other forms, one Shifter form and a human form. Her shifter form is made of purple goo and her human version is pale, with the same hair.

Ari and Will are technically married twice.

Given the chance, Ari would prefer to stay inside, but often, she does like to take walks in the forest. She actually enjoys hiking.





Will is Ari's husband. They live together, and have been married for many many years. Will is a fellow shifter, and is in a position of power, which leads to some dangerous situations sometimes. Still, Ari wouldn't trade it for the world.




Lyn is Ari and Will's current daughter. She's about 4-6 mentally, but older in body, due to the way shifters age. She is very much a Daddy's girl, and will do anything to cling to Will, even if he's busy.




Joe is Ari and Will's current son. He's about 10-11 mentally. He's more of a momma's boy, and will often prefer to spend time inside, either playing video games, or helping his mother around the house. Currently, he loves baking with Ari and will take any chance he can get to cook or bake with Ari.