
8 years, 6 months ago


strange thing is about Gumo ~ im super freaking scared of spiders, but they are cool the watch. i tried to hold on to one (my brother picked up a daddy long leg) and after 3 seconds i flipped out soo bad i was crying so hard. i felt pathetic cause here i am a 16 year old crying her eyes out over a little harmless spider. ive seen 8 year olds pick up tarantulas and be fine.

anyway a little about Gumo ~

he is 16, and has a part time job as his aunt and uncles cosplay cafe.

he has five animals (two ball pythons, a tarantula, a black lab, and a Crow)

he has 4 siblings (one more on the way)

he lives with his full family (including cousins, uncles, aunts, grandmas, grandpas, etc.)

he was names after/by his great grandmother on his fathers side.

he keeps his hair long due to his cousin Kara's request (unfortunately she is battling cancer, and she likes to play with his hair.)

he has a couple tattoos but thats normal for his family, his father and mother have lots of tattoos, he has the most of his siblings so far (considering 3 are only 8)