


5 years, 6 months ago



Name Petal
Past Names Petalkit/Petalpaw/Petalstorm
Age 5 years (temp)
Gender Female
Rank Loner
Build Lithe
Sexuality Straight
Breed Calico

Description & Backstory


i came up with her backstory when i was like 11 (while being heavily inspired by riverspirit), so don't mind the 'edginess' you might see while reading this :'D

Petal is a short-furred, long-limbed, lithe calico she-cat with a pair of bright green eyes and and long tail with scars on both ears. Her specialty is hunting, although she is a fierce fighter during battle and will often be a strong and tough opponent to face due to her agility and nimble movements when attacking.

Petal grew up in LightClan with her Mother, Father and brother. As kits, both Petalkit and her brother, Fallleaf/Fallpaw/Fallkit(deceased) were neglected by their Father, Batfang(deceased). Their Mother, Leafwing(alive) took care of her kits. But because of Petal's short-temper (probably passed down from both parents) and the frequent "accidents" that happened during her childhood (which she was mostly blamed for), she grew to be sharp-tounged, irritable and often greeted cats with a cold and challenging manner. She didn't have a lot of friends because of the constant distrust for Petal in LightClan, even her Mother finally began to stray from Petal when she grew older. But a few still stuck by her side as moons went by (Fallleaf, Coldstone, Rainfall, Featherstorm, Flowerpool). Because of the bad rap Petal's Clanmates gave her, she didn't really grow to trust anyone easily and didn't have a normal childhood anyone else in her Clan would've. Her brother had it different though, everyone saw him as innocent while he was just unluckily related to some traitor, as that was how they viewed Petal.

When she became an apprentice, Petalpaw often dreamt of a white-and-ginger she-cat who claimed to be her guardian. At the time while Petalpaw was being outcasted, she reguarly looked to this cat for advice and such. Petalpaw thought of her as her friend. Her brother, Fallpaw at the time, was quite popular with the apprentices and Petal grew jealous of him, but she accepted it after awhile. Later (a couple of moons after the two of them become Warriors), Fallleaf is granted deputyship. After being deputy for just a short amount of time, he died saving Petalstorm and his Clan by fighting off a vicious dog. His death was extremely devastating for Petalstorm, and she fell into a state of depression.

Fallleaf was someone who had kept Petalstorm sane while she was with her Clanmates (her guardian is no longer around), she felt he was the only reason she was living. Petal will still remember the looks her Clanmates had given her the day of Fallleaf's death. They blamed her like they always have. One day, Petalstorm couldn't bear to deal with her overwhelming stress, so she travels the territory and stumbles upon a loner. Petal recognizes him from her apprentice days, he had saved a LightClan kit(Flowerpool) when Petal had failed to on her own. Dorian was his name. He queries Petalstorm's intentions and she gives a sharp retort back. Dorian is amused by this and he continues to mock the Clans. Petalstorm chuckles and agrees with everything he says and this surprises Dorian. "Why don't you just leave?" Petalstorm spits out the words, "It's not that easy." Not easy? Petalstorm thinks. She had no more brother to stay for, why wouldn't it be easy? Petalstorm finally understands that, despite her brother being gone and all the cats in her Clans who think bad of her, she'd miss the ones who actually cared. But something tugs her heart, where should she go? Back to LightClan or.. As Petalstorm thinks, Dorian shares his stories of his travels and willingly offers to take Petalstorm with him if she desired. Why? She didn't know. Petalstorm asks for Dorian to wait for her in the same place the next day and he agrees. Even if Petalstorm didn't know his own intentions, she still agreed to a stranger's offer to take her on some sort of quest. As Petalstorm thinks it overnight, she gets the confidence to share her thoughts with her leader, Lightstar. Lightstar announces it to the Clan that Petalstorm was leaving, and (mostly) everyone gathered to watch, but her close friends went up to Petalstorm to say their goodbyes. When Petalstorm attempted to part with her Mother, Leafwing spins around and snaps at Petal to leave her alone. Quietly, she mutters under her breath a goodbye to Leafwing and leaves without looking back, struggling to hold back tears as she leaves to find Dorian.


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