yarrow tart



5 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


yarrow tart




october 10




pretty, polite and capable on the outside, cocky and ice cold on the inside, yarrow weilds their supposed softness as armour over a calculating interior. watching the trauma that happened to their sister juniper as a teen, they came to a conclusion about people who are soft like her: a persona of being soft can be used to get what you want, but if you're genuinely that sort of person, it'll be used to destroy you.

yarrow's not out to hurt anyone so long as they don't hurt them or juniper: but if you do, they'll unravel you with no evidence of their true nature left behind. they won't do anything so long as you don't betray them, but the only person in the world they aren't prepared to destroy should the 'need' arise is juniper. they're perfectly happy to maintain pleasant interactions and affection while, in reality, not caring about you at all; but are they really doing anything wrong, they may say, if you'd never know that was the truth?

yarrow's main hobby is to knit- specifically, to yarn bomb in the dead of night. the only ones who know are their sister juniper, and rubel, an art thief they ran into while yarnbombing a statue in an art gallery. if you asked if they and rubel were friends, they'd deny it, but there's a fondness to be had in having someone they can be themself with... even if 'being themself' is, essentially, just being a total asshole.

will yarrow be able to open their frozen up heart? only time will tell...