


5 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full name

Daisy Abel


19 April










Mother, deceased father


Pickled Punks



Daisy is a florist who was born and raised in Slumber. She owns a flower shop with her mother. She is the childhood friend of Faust and Lee.

Daisy is a young woman with light brown hair and blue eyes. She has a mole under her mouth. She's tall and slender, resembling her father more than her mother. As a florist, she wears an apron over her clothes. When she was child she often carried around a basket of flowers and wore a daisy hairpin. She is a well respected florist with great knowledge of flowers and herbs. She is also very skilled in self defense, against humans and demons.


Daisy is a kindhearted young woman with a tough exterior. She very direct and doesn't like to sugarcoat things. She shows her approval through tough love. She's quite overprotective of her loved ones, especially her mother. After losing her father at a young age, she had to grow up fast and help her mother. She takes great pride in her work. Daisy will stand for zero bullshit and call anyone out if she feels like it. Likewise, she won't stand down if  she sees anyone threatening her family or friends. She doesn't scare easily, having grown up in Slumber, and will face danger without hesitation. She does show her softer side at times, usually to reward hard work or for comfort. As a child she liked to tease and push her friends around. She likes to be in charge.


Daisy was born to Mr and Mrs Abel in a small town called Slumber. She grew up in her parents flower shop which they lovingly named after their daughter. One day, during the holidays, Daisy's father went to the city to buy gifts for his family. He was unfortunately killed in a robbery gone wrong. Though devastated, Daisy and her mother worked hard to maintain the flowers hop the couple had adored. Over the years Daisy grew closer to her mother, though the hole her father had left never truly healed. Being raised by two kindhearted parents, Daisy learned to be attentive and considerate to others, while also firmly believing in tough love. Daisy would often hang around the orphans and junior porters down at the station while her mother would bring lunch and snacks to the children. She befriended one of the younger porters, Lee, whom she would eventually consider her younger brother.

Later Daisy and Lee met and befriended the new kid in town, Faust, who claimed to be a witch. The three were close in age and became close friends over the years, though Daisy and Lee distanced themselves from Faust's demonic activities. After Faust's death, Daisy and Lee tried their best to look after the followers their late friend left behind, though most of them ended leaving town. 

As an adult Daisy still works with her mother in their flower shop. Every Sunday she and Lee visits Faust's grave. She frequently leaves flowers on his grave.

Other quotes

  • "Not all demons are monsters. And not all monsters are demons."
  • "I don't care what you do, just don't make a mess."
  • "You should know you always have a family here." (to Faust)


  • Being born and raised in Slumber Daisy does not have a demon.
  • She's quite fond of pride demons.
  • Her father's favorite flower was a daisy.
  • Daisy's favorite flower is a bluebell.