


5 years, 6 months ago


ew, sticky gross man ewwww

god's ghoul

Grim possesses the corpse of a priest , and though it is not exactly known how the entity found it's way sunken into the soul of the poor young man, the event leading to his current circumstances is very "fleshed out," you could say.

During a Sunday mass one chilling and grey October, the boy of forgotten name became very visibly pallid and grave while helping with the beginning sermon. Frighteningly, he began to shriek and seize, being quickly checked by the flooring aside the puplit. What was now in control of the body and soul of him, still shrilly screaming without a breath taken, rose brokenly like a puppet and bore its eyes into the surrounding church folk. In his swift and twisting strides, he contorted in unspeakable ways around those nearest by him, and reduced a sizable group of attendants to spittle and gore. Walls and fixtures of the chapel appeared to bend and ripple like a fearful cat, and those not being broken and reformed to oblivion saw something more cosmic and fantasically maddening in their minds' eyes. Something needed to be done, and the number of capable priests to handle the demonic thing were thinning by the moment. Exorcism was out of the question also, it would be too costly and time-consuming to attempt then. A faster, more powerful, but darker and more ritualistic solution was decided. While the monster's rampage led him to look another way, the group of men pounced on the startled thing. A knife was unsheathed from the eldest's inside pocket, and a carving of a number of frantic symbols ensued as the wits of Grim returned while being held down. Religion and language mattered not, only that the entity was unable to cause havoc to anyone else. What the combined flesh carvings did was not only bind the demon to the land of the church,its grounds, and the flesh of the corpse, but the soul of the corpse's previous owner for eternity. Soon after, however, Grim was able to explode out from under the remaining priests' weight, suffocating them at the neck until their demises. It was much too late for the body of Grim and the dead man to escape, though, and he was fated to walk the grounds in search of any new victim from then on.

Name Grim
Age Unknown
Gender Masc enby
Orientation Ace
Occup. Eldritch damned
  • Either smells like death + licorice, or pine needles
  • Capable of causing delusions & hallucinations
  • Bend reality?
  • Lures victims for company or to devour
  • Can forsee the future of others, but not themself
So kind of you to pay me a visit..