
~Basic Information~

 Name: Yumi  

Gender: Female  

Age: 17  

DOB: 04 May  S

Species: - Unspecified- Part Unicorn- Part Fennec fox


~Physical Characteristics~ 


Eye Colour: pastel Pink & blue

Hair colour: Pale Pink

Skin colour: Fair-light peachy colour

Distinguishing Features: She has a very short, small figure, Her hair buns & ears (she occasionally wears her hair down)

Personality: Bubbly, extremely friendly, always up for having fun, strong minded, adventurous, Love's candy & playing games. 

(usually carries a DS or PSP with her) 

Skills: Quick reaction to things, Very fast runner, able to use magic (can make her game characters appear to help in a tough situation & can heal quickly) 

Likes: All sweets, Cream Soda, Milk & honey, Video games, teasing Pegasus & making friends. 



Yumi doesn't know who she is or where she came from, she was found when she was just a child by an elderly couple wandering the forest close to their home with a blank expression & seemingly no memories. As she grew she began to experience horrible nightmares & strange visions of other's like her fleeing from an unknown calamity, it is after these visions her magical powers began to manifest themselves. At the age of 16 she decided to leave her forest home in search of answers, along the way she met a Pegacorn named Pegasus who seems to be searching for something himself but refuses to tell Yumi. She travels with Pegasus trying to find out more about her past & the magical powers she has come to poses. Yumi is immature but always high spirited, kind, playful, & a bit childish, which annoys the more serious & mature behavior of her close friend & travel companion Pegasus.