


5 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info






Deer Entity


White bands / stripes on neck are optional. They can disappear and reappear - The glowing is also optional. Lastly, the black dripping fluids are optional


A deer entity mostly only seen during the night, during night his white parts glow.

The black fluids are blood and can seep out of any of his orifices.

Can make very hollow, loud shrieking noises. Particularly frightening if you're unaware of him and in the dark

ZEL, Fae Spirit of Fauna This fae spirit often materialises as a phantom on the material plane which our reality shares, leading many people to doubt its existence in the first place. However, many people have also felt a strange, yet comforting presence watching over them as they hike through the many forests and nature reserves on Earth. Visual accounts of Zel often change depending on the psychology of the person who sees it, however the main feature that is a constant throughout is that it always materialises in a form similar to a deer. Warlords from the Middle East have seen this phantom as a dark, almost vantablack deer with glowing red eyes and similarly coloured "devil-horns", as seen in the above picture, whereas religious nuns and priests have seen this phantom materialize as a deer with gentler colours, varying from light grey to graphite-black, with normal deer horns instead of devilish horns It is common belief through folklore, as well as internet conspiracy, that the horns have only materialised on this phantom if the viewers soul is corrupted through any means. Violence is always believed to be the main driver behind whether these horns grow or not, however drug dealers and other non-violent criminals have also reported seeing these horns. Maybe the horns are a measure of the viewers morality? No-one truly knows, and more research is yet to be conducted. Contrary to what is widely believed, fae spirits such as Zel have been observed on extremely rare occasions to alter the course of life for multiple animals. Referenced next is an account from a Mr Oswald [REDACTED], upon his sightings in the forests of Denver, Colorado: [When first queried about the sighting of Zel] "I don't know man! All I saw was this weird lookin' black deer come up to the game I just hunted, and LEGALLY might I add, and I saw the damn doe I shot just spring back up as if nothin' ever happened! Then the black deer just looked at me and I saw, like, HORNS growin' outta it's head! Like some devil, satanic stuff outta the movies!" Drawing from this, we can only deduce that Zel makes its judgements on its viewers based on their MORAL standings with nature, and not the pure goodness in their hearts. But again, as stated earlier, we have yet to see discernible evidence of this, whether through imagery or through witness testimony. Maybe its just an old folk tale, or perhaps more astral forces have come to intervene...