


5 years, 6 months ago


#745 Lycanroc (Dusk Form)



Type Rock
Gender Female
Nature Lonely
Ability Tough Claws
Age 18
Height 5'3"
Occupation Student
"Bathed in the setting sun of evening, Lycanroc has undergone a special kind of evolution. An intense fighting spirit underlies its calmness."


  • Cheerful
  • Affectionate
  • Protective
  • Insecure ✖
  • Petty ✖
  • Secretive ✖

Yeona is a literal puppy in more ways than one. She's always bouncing from person to person, eager to make friends! People joke that she knows everyone in Hau'oli City, but there's probably some actual truth in that statement. She's also super into skinship and will often be found draped over someone else. Because of her friendly nature, she prefers peace instead of fighting. 

It's no surprise that this social butterfly has nothing but energy to spare. All her energy is great for dancing, which is one of her passions in life. She's known for her quick movements and the amount of emotion she exhibits in the art. Ironically, her stamina kinda sucks and she's known to take naps on any surface. 

Regarding her flaws, Yeona keeps them locked up. Already viewing herself as a burden, she refuses to let anyone know her history. Unfortunately, this puts a certain distance between her and her friends. Yeona often wonders if all her connections are nothing but superficial. Sometimes her loneliness seems to be inherently part of her. Whether or not that's true is something she struggles with everyday.


Growing up in Hau'oli City, Yeona lived a carefree existence. Her childhood was full of adventures, though they never extended past the beach. She dreamed of the day she could explore Alola, becoming someone worth remembering in the process. 

The Island Challenge allowed her to do that.

Spanning all four islands, the Challenge was a competition against several other teams. Eliminations would be held after every checkpoint, challenging people's battle technique and puzzle solving skills. Yeona was quick to join the challenge, alongside her best friend, Dorothy. With nothing but passion and excitement, the duo head off. They were some of the younger contestants, only being around 16 at that time.

It quickly becomes apparent that adventuring wasn't as easy as Yeona thought it would be. Sure, it was fun and Yeona's growing team would lead to friendships that she would always treasure. And exploring Alola was great! But all the injuries? Arguments? Yeona could've lived without those. Still, she perceived, even managing to evolve to everyone's excitement! It seemed like all their hard work would pay off! Finals was right in their reach!

And then they lost.

The reason for their lost was a silly mistake, one that Yeona completely blames on herself. And the fight she got into with her friends? Probably completely avoidable if she wasn't so dumb!

(Or so she tells herself)

Yeona returned to Hau'oli City to resume her studies, promising herself that adventuring and battling just wasn't the life for her. Despite her youth, she was content with pursuing other careers. However, she just isn't sure what that is. While she loves dancing, she's not sure she wants to make a career out of it, especially since she's a bit more wary about injuries these days. This uncertainty dampens her once carefree lifestyle quite considerably, though Yeona makes sure the public never sees any of that.

Then one day, she stumbles upon a bewildered Cosmog. Soon after that, a Popplio embarking on his own Island Challenge. Just like that, she's thrown back into the adventurer lifestyle.

Yeona swears she's just around to help with directions and refuses to take part in any battle if she has the option. Even so, she can't help but wonder if second chances do exist... 


Accelerock Rock

The user smashes into the target at high speed. This move always goes first.


A retaliation move that counters any physical attack, inflicting double the damage taken.

Stealth Rock Rock

The user lays a trap of levitating rocks around the opposing team.

Brick Break Fighting

The user attacks with a swift chop. It can also break barriers.


Andi - A young child that Yeona found while exploring the forest. The two of them have quickly grown close, forming a bond that's sibling-like in nature. And Yeona is eager to show Andi everything about Alola! She loves to drag Andi into every sight and building, explaining everything she knows. Because of Andi's young age, Yeona is quite protective of them. However, Andi's main goal is of great importance to Yeona and she's determined to fulfill that. 

Dorothy - Andi's childhood friend. They competed in the Island Challenge together but ever since their loss, they haven't talked since. Er, well, to be more specific, YEONA has been the one to avoid her...

[more coming soon]


  • She's known for taking a ridiculous amount of so-called '10 minute naps', but people wonder if they're even that effective...
  • Caffeine actually makes her super anxious and it's probably best to keep it away from her.
  • While she doesn't like to talk about her previous travels, she learned a lot! She'll share that information just...not anything personal.
  • No, she's not that great of a student. No matter her age, she prefers skipping class to explore the city.
  • Despite loving the beach, she can't swim.
  • Her bow was a gift from Dorothy when they were young! It's worn and has been through a lot, but she can't bear to take it off.
  • She's aware that being a Dusk Form Lycanroc is rare, but hey people who stare at her in wonder are just potential friends! (There's some level of insecurity there but she won't talk about it)
  • Would probably die for a stack of pancakes doused in maple syrup.
