Louie Fiscella



8 years, 3 months ago



Name Luis Fiscella
Nickname Louie
Age Appears mid 20s
Pronouns He/him
Height 6'2
Sexuality ?
Relationship Status Single but acts married
Pokemon Pumpkaboo

Louie is not an overly friendly man. He tries his best to be unapproachable and scare people off with a bad case of resting bitch face and short blunt answers. He's even been known to be rude to people who view him as a friend. It's all a facade, he's actually quite lonely and used to be a social butterfly when alive. Death changed Louie though and now he's got a crippling fear of losing loved ones so he just pushes people away despite also genuinely caring for them. He's got a good heart in there though and, ironically despite eating compliments up, he suffers from a lot of self loathing.


  • Gold, especially rings
  • Compliments
  • Flowers, especially peonies
  • Gardening


  • Befriending people who aren't dead
  • Showing his neck
  • Being touched without permission
  • Being called Lou or Louis, most nicknames other than Louie

More in depth

I don't wanna spoil Louie's whole story here but to vaguely sum it up: He was a party boy back in the 20's who ended up falling in love with a girl he used to dance with. They both were very passionate about dancing and even though she had mixed feelings about him at first she grew to love him too. Tragedy struck though when Louie witnessed the murder of their mutual friend named Lillian. He was so shocked by who the murderer was, and manipulated by said person, that he agreed not to say a word to anyone, even his own fiancée. He was consumed by guilt and contemplated spilling the beans but it would never happen. He went back to the person who killed Lillian, to collect money he was promised among other things, and wound up dead in the woods. Left to rot with the secrets.

He woke up eventually but as a ghost with severe memory loss. From there he wandered until he found a town. He didn't know what to do but over the years he would get nightmares and bits of memory back but it all scared him so much he chose to avoid anything from the past. He moved with a new dear friend to Italy(or somewhere made up similar to it depending on how you wanna view the pokemon gijinka world LMAO) but when that friend died many years later, Louie was left heart broken and in despair. He went back home, or near enough to it (idk, america?) and found a cabin in the woods and stayed there. He refused to interact with another human for a LONG time. But eventually a murder happens in his woods and he finds the body of a young girl who also wakes up a lost pumpkaboo in a scary world. Pitying her, he took her in. She stayed with him for quite some time and Louie grew very attached to her. She eventually started seeing him as a father figure and although he doesn't really say it he truly does love being her dad. She helped spark a little life back in his cold dead heart.

Additional info

  • He has a scar across his neck that he refuses to show and gets uncomfortable even mentioning it
  • He doesn't like touching living people because he's so cold compared to him it reminds him he's dead
  • Has noticeable fangs and some times gets mistaken for a vampire
  • Some times when the mood is right Louie will act a lil spunky and like a shithead, revealing what he was like when he was alive
  • Was a Maractus in life
  • He remembers everything about his past at this point in time, and still suffers from nightmares about it, and refuses to sleep unless necessary


☆Charlotte☆ [ Daughter ]

Charlotte is his daughter, of course not by blood but because they're both pumpkaboos they get mistaken for that some times. He doesn't mind. Her personality is completely the opposite of him but she managed to break through the cold exterior and bring out a more fun side to Louie, on rare occasions. He loves her very much and is quite attached to her. Louie does feel guilty though for just taking her in and not trying to find her family or give her up. But he wouldn't know what to do with himself without her. He may give her shit but he would defend her to the end against someone else. (Belongs to Nickey)

☆Liam☆ [ Close Friend ]

Louie and Liam actually met back in the 40s before Liam died and just happened to meet again semi recently. Seeing a familiar face was exciting for Louie and they spent a long time catching up. Louie acts shitty and aloof with Liam from time to time but he truly loves him. He's very much got a spoiled cat attitude with the poor guy and goes from affectionate and playfully to stinky and spiteful just like that. Despite the fact that Louie still has his cabin out in the woods, he's kind of just brought Charlotte over and made himself at home in Liam's home. He doesn't tell him this but he just likes his company that much and would miss him if he stayed out in his forest goblin home too long. (Belongs to Nickey)

☆Clyde☆ [ "Friend" ]

Clyde is an enigma to Louie. He thinks he's such a bumbling idiot but somehow endearing at the same time. ALthough Louie truly doesn't understand WHY Clyde keeps coming back and interacting with him. Unfortunately for Clyde though, he's still alive, and that scares Louie. Not just because he's alive but it's because, despite the fact that he acts cold and uncaring with him, Louie truly has grown to care. The closer he gets with Clyde the farther he tries to pull away. But he cares about his well being and if he were to ever genuinely hurt his feelings, Louie would feel bad and try to awkwardly apologize. Don't tell Clyde. (Belongs to Simon)

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