


5 years, 6 months ago


Name: Bot
PronounsIt/its or They/them
Gender: Bigender; Agender + Man
Sexuality: Bisexual, preference to men.
Age: ~300-400 years old. Was inactive for a good 200-300 years of it, though. Has the mentality of someone in their mid to late 20s, roughly.
Height: 7'?
Species: Robot
Far out of the city, in a small home in the fields, with Helmuth.
Relationships: Boyfriend to Helmuth. Lodges with Pansy, who it butts heads with regularly (though it comes to care about Pansy more than it realizes).
Demeanor: Logic-driven yet thoughtful, Bot can come off as kind of aloof at first. It's slow to take actions, usually thinking things through before following through. It can be a bit naive at times, not exactly to the world around it, but rather the people it interacts with. Not in the "oooh im a robot i dont know how people FEEEEL" way, but just in the sense that it is usually quite genuine and doesn't realize not everyone else in the world is. Bot is good at heart, but they have trouble expressing it properly, and showing how they really feel. Still, it shows in small gestures- Bot is very likely to leave you flowers, to tidy your things, make you breakfast, or do something else "inconsequential" to show it was thinking of you.

Backstory so far: Bot is a gardening robot that was designed by an aging scientist back in the day. They were designed so human-like to be highly sophisticated, able to do a vast array of duties related to preening flowers and gardens, as well as aiding any humans it worked alongside. Then [redacted events] happened and Bot's creator went missing, and Bot was set aside, put into a deep sleep mode, and left like that for many, many years. Helmuth, a young satyr-elf man, happened upon the bot one day, and was curious as to its origins. Using magic, he awakened it back to life. Bot, deeply struck by how much they had lost in the years past, and torn apart by the unfamiliarity of everything, decided to follow Helmuth home, and kind of. Not Leave.

Now Helmuth has a robot, and Bot has... someone. Something. And that's more than they've had in so long.