


5 years, 6 months ago


Basic Info:


Name (First, Middle, Last): Muriel

Gender: F

Age: 18

Race: Human

Date of Birth (MM/D): 12/9

Occupation: N/A

Relationship(s): Edwin (friend)

Personality: Shy, superstitious, self-conscious, benevolent, courteous

Hobbies: Painting



Family: N/A

Bio: Muriel grew up in poverty. Because of this, she frequently gets depression. She always has thoughts of just running away and letting nature take her. One day, she managed to do just that. She ran off into the wilderness, hoping something would happen to her. Something did happen but it wasn't anything she expected. A beautiful woman appeared before her. She talked about seeing a gifted talent in Muriel and would love to recruit her for her project. Curious, Muriel agreed to her proposal. The woman, named Beau, taught her about the beautiful things in life and showed her art. Muriel because inspired and started painting herself. She loved it greatly but she wasn't a professional even now. Not only did she discover a love for painting, she discover quite a interesting power. The power to make her creations come to life. Though her power is weak, she uses it to make everything around her pretty and relaxing. She works more as an assistant to Beau and only paints sometimes. As Beau continues to recruit more people, she makes attempts to become friends with them. Though it was awkward at first, she managed to befriend a man named Edwin who share quite a few things in common other than painting.

Physical Appearance:




Skin color:

Hair color:

Eye color:

Markings (Tattoos, scars, etc.):

Attire (shirt, pants, shoes, etc.):

Accessories (bags, jewelry, hat, etc.):


Other Info:



RP Type:

Date of Adoption: 11/11/18