2.1 Kira



5 years, 6 months ago



Kira is Karma's twin sister with the ability to create good luck. Yet even with this her life has been full of anger and hatred and loss. There is nothing She could do to help her twin cope with his Dark Gift. It didn't help the bullying he received and the hollow friend she had. People only wanted to hang out with her for her ability. hoping Her gift would affect them.

It fell apart when Karma finally ran away from the village they lived in. Kira couldn't get any help to go find him everyone saying he's better off gone. She was scared and angry. Scared for her brother's safety and angry at all those she had called friends.  Seeing now their true reason for being so nice to her. Yet when she did leave the village to find her brother she didn't get very far. Almost instantly kidnapped by an evil cyclot that had been watching her for months taking her away what she was gone from the safety of the village.

She woke up in a small cell chained to the wall. Her heart fell not for her own safety but for failing her brother. She didn't care how the evil cyclot hurt her and beat her. she deserved it for her failure. She didn't even know how long she was at the mercy of the cyclot. growing weaker and weaker from both the broken bones and the poor lack of light in the small cell. Her Tormentor only growing angrier and angrier and she refused to give him her gift. She was dying and she knew it.

Then one night something happened. Awoken by a strange Warm Glow she saw a small green flame floating in her cell. The glow was unnatural but Pleasant it filled her with strength. Her body growing strong her mine opening she realized she had a second gift. She realized her only failure was accepting defeat. Using her new ability Kira created light blade, cut through her shackles. She then broke down her cell door and fled the small cave network. Filled with new hope and a new drive. She would not fail anyone again. She would help. She would be the light in the darkness for others. Yet it was hard cus no matter how hard she did try she still felt shattered inside with each failure. There were still those that would try and trick her just to gain good luck. But slowly she learned who actually wanted to be her friend and who just wanted her gift.

With time Kira came to realize her brother was still alive. Finding out completely by accident while visiting a small forge of two very nice cyclots. Toothless and Hiccup.  At first the two where distant neither really talking to the each other. Karma wasn’t mad or anything. He never wanted to be found. And he never wanted to survive. But now he had a new life and family with clots that didn’t shun him for the problems his ability caused. Kira a bit untrusting of Spade moved in with Hiccup and Toothless her light screens helping Hiccup in the forge. Staying close to her brother and learning to control her new abilities. 


Good luck.

A lot like karma. Kira generate an aura of good luck around her that greatly improves the outcome of things around her for the better. Unlike karma that can create massive accidents kira is more passive and less obvious unless acted apon in a dire situation.

Light constructs

Kira can create light constructs. Solid items with mass and force out of light. The strength of these constructs depend on the source of the light nearby. Brighter light are the easiest to manipulate while dimmer lights take more concentration. Yet it can still be used to create a solid ball of steady light much brighter than a single candle she might have.  Light doesn’t always need to be present for this ability to work but making her own light tiers her out far faster ten with having natural light to manipulate.

Design's name: the light for the dark

Owner: trick--trouble

Got MYO slot: won comments.deviantart.com/1/7490…


ears - brush common

head - cheek fluff uncommon hair uncommon

mouth - four teeth un common

eye - normal

body - wings rare

legs - brush uncommon

tail - fluffy uncommon

poison - fiery uncommon

ability - two  ability to create good luck and creait construct out of light

size - normal