Speksi Menmin



5 years, 6 months ago


   Speksi Menmin is a mature, motherly goldblood who knows all too well how unkind the world can be- and has taken it upon herself to be kind in it's place. An oracle with the power to look into anyone's future (except her own), Speksi saw the great potential that Alitis possessed and became his sort-of guide and mentor, pointing him where trouble lies and giving him advice that is purposefully cryptic, as it is a known taboo for those with oracle like powers to reveal the future recklessly. 

   She is, for the most part, a party loving, lively troll, friendly to all those she meets and protective of many of her friends, Speksi has a sadder side hidden inside her- one that tends to rear it's ugly head when the party ends and she's left alone to her thoughts. Speksi is burdened by responsibility. She's responsible for Alistis, and by extension the rebellion, but she's also the leader of a performance group who she is very protective of. As their job is to entertain their mostly highblood audience, she lives in fear that one of her friends will be murdered for accidentally earning the ire of any particularly volatile troll. In addition, she's also burdened with knowledge that she cannot share- The future is filled with many possibilities, and she is never sure which one will manifest, and since she's not allowed to directly influence it she's constantly worried that her cryptic words won't be enough and the worst outcome would come true.

   Still, Speksi remains strong-willed. Though she has her own doubts and regrets, she needs to put on a facade of confidence to inspire those who look up to her, and she is determined to make Alternia just a little bit nicer for those she cares for. 

-Basic Information-

NAME:  Speksi Menmin


AGE: 8.5 Sweeps


NICKNAME(S): Marigold

USERNAMES:  AurelianOracle [Trebel]


LIKES: Dancing with others, Make up, Luxury, Festivities, Tea, Gossip

DISLIKES: People being too serious, caste-ist behavior of any kind 

TALENTS: Dancing, Make up and hair, giving the best advice


MAIN FLAW: Cowardice


*Wise, Empathetic, Kind, Optimistic

*Cryptic, Passive, Nosy

*Teasing, Lively

FEARS: Losing her mind, her own future 

TYPING STYLE: o0o Starts her sentences with 'o0o' (to represent her three eyes). Mostly proper grammar and punctuation.


FRIENDS: Alitis Sotria, Sierri Sekoya, Aulosa Marcon, Helyos Phyrus

ENEMIES: Tomika Wakami


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*Her name, Speksi is a butchering of Speakeasy, and Menmin is derived from the word 'Memory' and 'Muninn', one of Odin's crows.