


5 years, 9 months ago


"Sit and stay a while, won't you?"

Ferrel sinks down in to a racketey old rocking chair and tightly wraps the end of a blunt. He pulls a match from his back pocket and strikes it against the splintered wood of the chair. It crackles to life and Ferrel holds it close to the end of the tiny roll of paper and cannabis. It quietly lights as Ferrel puts it to his lips and breathes in slowly, feeling the colors of life blend and melt together in the earthy smoke that filled his lungs.

"Its not like you have anything better to do."

Name: Ferrel "Ferris" Hadley 

Age: 36

Height: 5' 8

Weight: 141 lbs

Net worth: $1,532.67 


 Ferrel's mother conceived from an ex husband who left before Ferrel was born. Ferrel was born 3 weeks ahead of schedule on December 1st, 1982 in St. George, Utah.

Early years (birth-18 years old)

Ferrel always excelled in problem solving. He could figure out how to get out of any restrictive contraption that existed for children when he was young. He showed little interest in making friends and instead focused on his outstanding achievement in mathematics while he was in school, and also surpassed his peers in non-graded subjects, like planning, leadership, logical thinking, and strategy. He was a natural-born braniac. Having realized this in his later schooling years, Ferrel decided to become a doctor, specializing in diagnostic tests of the cardiovascular system. He graduated high school with little issue and attended Utah State College.

Later Years (19-34 years old)

Ferrel graduated college and med school with relative ease, finishing his schooling and residential training at age 26. He worked for a smaller hospital system outside Portland, where he took pride in his ability to locate any issue and refer individuals to someone who could help. For 8 years he did this work, earning a handsome paycheck but choosing to live modestly.  But one day, as Ferrel prepared to head to his workplace, he caught the sight of the news on TV. It was a breaking news report, showing a gruesome image. Ferrel could barely take in what he was seeing. It was the remains of a city, what once was Washington DC, then nothing more than a pile of concrete and warped metal gurders and cracked pavement and bodies. The capital had been hit by a nuclear attack. Ferrel started to panic as he heard faint shouts and wails coming from his suburban neighborhood. The host urged those watching to take cover immediately, which Ferrel did with no hesitation. Hastily, Ferrel barricaded himself in his basement, bringing nothing but his first aid kit, his doctor's coats and IDs, packs of water and canned goods, and a radio. 

After the Storm: 34 years old - present 

He stayed in his basement for 2 months, hearing occasional thumping from the outside world, and sometimes feeling the ground rumble and shake. Ferrel had no idea when it was safe to come out, as his radio often showed nothing but static. Eventually, Ferrel's supply of food had dwindled to nothing. Fearing the inevitable loss of his life, Ferrell decided to come out of his cloistered shelter. When he did, he couldn't even start to process what he saw. His house looked like it had been weathered for decades. What was left of his house's foundation was splintered and broken. Nuclear fallout had covered everything in sight. Ferrel had no idea what he should do, but ultimately decided that since his food was gone, he had to prioritize that over mourning what was lost. And so, Ferrel packed a bag with what little he had and set out on a quest for survival. He traveled for many days, growing thinner, weaker, and more hopeless each day. Seeing and smelling bodies, watching others trying to survive on what little they had but failing, seeing animals and children malformed by radiation, and growing weak with hunger and the sickness accompanied with being exposed to nuclear fallout had taken a toll on Ferrel's mental health. He slowly grew more and more depressed, realizing that death was not only fast approaching, but in this situation, very appealing. Just as he was about to give up and waste away in the remains of his state, he stumbled upon a community of survivors with room for another mouth to feed and in desperate need of a doctor like Ferrel. He accepted the offer to join them, and the community nursed him back to health. However, his mental state showed no improvement. He knew that the radiation was going to kill him soon enough, and he never lost the feeling of hopelessness. For now, he remains in his community, giving aide to those he can and using his ingenuity to grow crops that he trades with passersby, including cannabis, which he regularly indulges in to ease the pain of his reality. By age 36, he has taken a "Sit back and relax because Im going to die soon anyways" approach to life. He encourages others to do the same, but gets slightly offended by those who seem too ambitious, often asking "What are you so worked up about? We live in a world that will slowly die with the rest of us so why bother?" He has a level of aversion to those who dream too big in the world he lives in, but chooses not to argue, but to sit back, smoke a joint and wait for the Reaper to come.


Favorite food: Cheeseburgers

Favorite song: Welcome to the Jungle by AC/DC

Likes: smoking weed, being useful, relaxing

Dislikes: the over-ambitious, seeing others try to motivate him

Triggers: n/a

(Ferrel's design is finalized, but his color scheme has yet to be determined.)