Aldous Windsor-May



8 years, 2 months ago


Name: Aldous Holfeit Windsor-May (AHL-dus) (Al)

Gender: Cis male

Species: Human

Age: 25

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 125 lbs

Date of Birth: May 20th, 2:47 am

Zodiac: Taurus

Eyes: Dark blue

Hair: Straw Blond

Build: Rather slim

Place of Birth: The Netherlands

Place of Residence: Jaywick, Essex, England

Social Class: As low as you can get

Language: English, Dutch (poorly)

General description: Stunted growth due to poor nutrition early in life; still on the skinny side and short for his age; multiple scars on his body; scalded right arm and shoulder; fake right eye.


Occupation: Part-timer at a gas station and part-time janitor at a radio station

Significant other: None

Sexual Orientation: Panromantic Demisexual

Sexual Preference: None

Family: Mother (Eleanor May), estranged father (Gunther), step-father (Maarten Windsor)

Friends: None

Attitude Toward Death: Acts like it's no big deal, accepts it for what it is, wants to live a full life before going.

Religion/Beliefs: Raised Catholic, no longer particularly religious.

Philosophy of Life: Life punches you in the face, kicks you while you're down, you suffer and then you die.


Personality/Attitude: Al is really rough around the edges. He's used to having to act tough to get through life, as his childhood was not the best. His step-father made it easy for him to develop a lot of anger that he couldn't properly express, so he is also a very closed-off kind of person. He developed anger issues as a result of his difficult childhood and strained relationships with his guardians and can be pretty snappy,, but most of the time he's rather aloof - almost bored. He cares a lot about what others think of him, which stresses him out because it's hard to make a good impression on people when your liable to act out at seemingly trivial things. However, deep down, he can be very caring and thoughtful (in his own way).

Skills/Talents: Studious, smart, high pain tolerance, intimidating for someone so short

Favourites/Likes: Honey, food in general, sleeping in, taking walks at night, grassy areas

Most Hated/Dislikes: Swimming (doesn't know how), waking up early, cleaning, too much sunlight (burns easily)


Goals/Ambitions: Get through life without being too miserable. Maybe do some good in the world.

Weaknesses: Claustrophobic, intense fear of rodents, Not very communicative

Hobbies/Interests: Late-night walks, smoking cigarettes, cooking


Painful memory: Losing his eye at the age of 13

Education: High school diploma


Backstory: Aldous used to live in the Netherlands, and was born to a very poor family. His father was a drunk and his mother worked herself to the bone trying to provide for them until she got fed up with her deadbeat husband and left him for another man when Al was about two or three. Maarten, his new stepfather, didn't like Al because he was an annoying kid and was really rough on him, frequently locking him up in the closet when he couldn't take his childishness. When Aldous was ten, they had enough money to move out of the Netherlands to Britain to try to start a better life. However, they're still poor as ever and living in Jaywick, one of the poorest neighborhoods in Britain.

The moment he was able, he moved out on his own and supported himself by working part-time at a gas station and taking any odd jobs he could get. He stole a lot before he was able to afford food regularly and managed to get another part-time job. Since then, not much has changed. He had one boyfriend and was able to figure out how to communicate better and take better care of himself, but since that ended he's started to regress a little back into his old ways.

Current setting: Modern-day