
5 years, 6 months ago


"Finding the cure for any disease.That's my goal."

Devon Info:


Plague doctor Teacher (mentor,father figure)


Devon has messy light beige hair with light yellow shades,fair skin,blue eyes and dark make up.He always wears the plague doctor outfit wherever he goes or travels,so he can hide his identity and avoid infections and illnesses.He appears to look young and attractive under the mask.

He also appears to wear black gloves has a bag around his waist,containing scalpels and knives.


Devon comes out as mysterious,cautious,calm and rather creepy,he's serious when it comes to his job to cure people with infection,or as he calls it,"the plague".

He's not much of a social person and prefers to stay inside,studying and working. If he goes outside,there's mostly a good reason behind it. Mostly to buy ingredients...

He seems to care for his patients to get better and move on and even searches for new methods to help them,which some of them are quite "extreme",he is straight forward to his patients when he uses his methods or when they're in a really bad condition and doesn't hide the truth.He refuses to show of his face to people unless they manage to get close to him.


Being born in age where the plague started,Devon was living with his teacher,who was in fact a doctor.Everything he needed to learn about curing people and living,he learned that from him.Unfortunately,the doctor fall victim of the infection and died soon after,leaving everything on Devon....

Devon managed to help as many people as he can and even himself,from getting infected.

As years passed he realized,he wasn't changing and still looked the same as he was when he was younger (around 18). People around him were dying from age and he was still the same.He doesn't know what he truly is...

On forward,as he traveled around Asia,he found a sick young boy.He offered to help him and treat his illness.

He found out the illness was terminal and the boy would die soon.That's where he had to use one of his "extreme" methods again,so he could save him...

As more years passed a rumor about a mysterious power was heard and got invested into it,to find out if it's true or not.

Strength: He can use his own scalpels and knives for combat.

Through the years he even learned some combat for self defense too....

He doesn't have any supernatural powers or abilities but he can use his knowledge and education for science and alchemy to create good weapons for the battle. 

Example: gas bombs,lethal blades,poison e.c..t.

weakness: His isolation: over the years passing,he tended to keep things to himself,causing him to get quite depressed and lonesome.

his mask: he NEVER goes out without his equipment,mostly his mask,fearing he might get hurt or infected.

-Some people called him out as the Grim Reaper himself.

-It is unknown if he's a human or something else. People don't know much about him because he's not seen outside of his work.

-He's older than he looks.In fact he never ages....

-He seems to be fond of dolls and ravens.

-He believes in Scientology and facts rather than myths,religion and legends.