Roman Amberstien



8 years, 2 months ago


Name: Roman Amberstien

Gender: Male

Species: Human (immortal)

Age: 124 (appears 19)

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 95 lbs

Date of Birth: February 19, 1892

Zodiac: Aquarius

Eyes: Gray

Hair: Dusty blond

Build: Skinny, small

Place of Birth: Virginia

Place of Residence: New York

Social Class: Lower-middle

Language: English, French (conversational), German (conversational), Italian (conversational), Japanese (poor), Spanish (poor)

General description: Short, slight, very skinny, no scars, small birthmark on butt.


Occupation: Unemploted

Significant other: None

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Sexual Preference: Men

Family: None

Friends: None

Attitude Toward Death: Would prefer it.

Religion/Beliefs: Atheist

Philosophy of Life: Life is misfortune, but if you work very hard it can be rewarding and making yourself happy is paramount. Don't deny yourself something due to your fear of losing it because everything is lost eventually..


Personality/Attitude: After being in "the facility" for a long six years, Roman is ever-cautious and somewhat brooding. The horrors of that place continue to haunt him, causing him to be generally tired and with almost a wistful attitude toward death. Knowing Mich, however, has helped him in his emotionality, which continues to improve. He often seems more innocent than he truly is, though that's not to say that he knowingly hides things.

Skills/Talents: Aural recall (tonal memory), immortal, handwriting, quick thinker

Favourites/Likes: Being out in nature, classical music (especially wind instruments), hot chocolate

Most Hated/Dislikes: The ocean, not having control over himself, being alone


Goals/Ambitions: Continue to live and love, lose and move on.

Weaknesses: Poor emotionality, melancholy, too ponderous, often lost in thought

Hobbies/Interests: Listening to music, taking walks


Painful memory: Being at the facility.

Education: Never officially passed 4th grade.


Backstory: After spending five years in the facility, primarily alone, Roman meets Mich, another individual with special abilities. During the year they spend together at the facility they bond. When they are finally released, he goes to live with Mich and his family. Roman's history pre-facility is still mostly mysterious, not because he wants it to be but simply because it has been less than happy and the years are many. However, he was in World War II and has been in a couple different relationships besides the one developing with Mich.

Current setting: Modern-day