Svenich's Children



5 years, 6 months ago


Taala has been with Svenich the longest, and is a try-hard model child. She was a bastard child whose mother was hunted down and killed for political reasons, though neither Taala nor Svenich know why. She assumes the responsibility for everything, and can be a bit overbearing towards her siblings (especially Aani, who she fights with on this account). Her grasp on human language is imperfect, but workable, and she's an excellent hunter. She's old enough to find her own way, but would much rather stay with Svenich and her siblings-- she wants to help Svenich take care of their family, and also wants to take care of Svenich in the future when he grows older.

Milosh was around 12 when he came under Svenich's care. He'd lost his father to a work accident, and then his mother half a year later to a combination of pining weakness and illness. Having grown up in the town closest to Svenich's dwelling, he was no stranger to Taala who came into town to run errands. His father and mother were apothecaries, and young Milosh believed he'd be going into the trade as well. He's one of the only two children who chose to stay with Svenich, and he works hard to 'earn his keep' so to speak. He's not as adept a hunter as Taala (her tracking skills are more refined), but he's the best fighter. Also, his skill with salves and herbs is reasonable. He keeps an even head and is sensible, and gets along well with even Aani. The knife he owns is the only thing he kept from his parents.

Aani was born to a merchant couple. When she was 7, her parents abandoned her near Svenich's den while passing through the area, after hearing the rumours about the place when in town. Aani doesn't know why, but she believes the arrangement is only temporary, and that they'll come back for her when they're wealthy and successful. She often gets into fights with Taala, annoyed (and jealous) by the zealous pride Taala has in her upbringing with Svenich. On the other hand, she's the closest to Milosh, who is able to empathize with her and talk to her without judging her feelings. Aani's personality is a bit harsh, but she's intelligent and crafty. She enjoys managing numbers and finds repetitive tasks such as weaving calming. She often goes into town with Rannu to (barter with) buy supplies from the local merchants.

Reynir (nicknamed Rannu) is, like Taala, content with his place in life. He is the best crafter of the children, and is responsible for most of their clothing. He also enjoys paints, and takes it upon himself to manage the decor of their home. His parents died in a far off physically violent skirmish between two townships, and his grandmother moved with Renyir (who was only a baby at the time) to the town that Svenich lived near. Reynir's grandmother spent a lot of time getting to know Svenich-- she spent her evenings making forays into the woods under the excuse of looking for herbs that were supposedly plentiful there, but in reality she knew of Svenich's fable and wanted to see if he was trustworthy to leave Reynir with when she passed (among other people in the town who she also surveyed). In the end she did leave Reynir to Svenich (Reynir was 3). Rannu is probably the most sly of the children, being a good liar-- but he's also a good story teller.

Faro is the gentle child, and probably the most spoiled (for the longest time, he was the youngest) especially by his siblings. Despite this, he maintains a well behaved personality, being extremely considerate and very sweet. Violence makes him ill, and he's an awful hunter, but he has an eye for gathering. He's not good at dealing with pain or pressure, and buckles under stress easily. He actually enjoys writing and reading, and will often ask the others to bring him books when they're in town. His pronunciation of words is awful though, and his embarrassment can make him shy when talking to strangers. Faro was left to Svenich as a baby.

Kai is the newest addition, and largely a mystery. They don't talk (and hardly make sounds at all) but have a startling comprehension ability-- most notable is their owlish stare paired with a most rapt attention span. Kai was not found-- they found Svenich's den themself, and Svenich has no idea where they came from or what happened to them (Kai's face and body bear some scarring despite their young age). Kai spends most of their time with Svenich, riding around on his back or in his halo.