Takahiro Ito



5 years, 6 months ago


Takahiro Ito

Called Takahiro

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 20

Race Oni

Role Cute Sidekick

Theme Fish in a Birdcage

HTML Pinky


Takahiro is a bright, happy-go-lucky, sweet as can be demon that loves all things pink and sugary treats! He’s super friendly, and loves meeting new people! He can be kind of a lot sometimes, but he means well. He’s not the biggest fan of sharing snacks, accessories or people, but that just means that those things are important to him! He lost a lot of things when he was growing up in hell, he just doesn’t want to lose anything else. There's absolutely nothing else going on there!

He’s a loving boy that just wants to keep his friends close as can be. He always seems surrounded by people, but on the inside he’s very lonely. He went through a lot growing up, but he’s done his best to keep smiling!


Height 6’

Build Tall with lean muscle

Eyes Dark green

Skin Tone Pale with a red wash

Hair Color Orangey pink

Hair Style Messy low ponytail with some barrettes in his bangs

Demeanor Light and peppy


  • In his demon form, his skin turns red, his eyes turn grey and his hair turns black. A singular horn grows out from the top of his forehead.
  • He is a little self-conscious about his height and size, so he tends to wear baggy clothing to make himself look smaller.
  • His hair is dyed! It’s naturally red but he bleaches it to make it lighter.
  • His curse mark is located on his left forearm, but he always wears a bandage to cover it. His eyes turn a lighter green color when it is influencing him.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Takahiro is a cute, happy guy that just wants to live happily with lots of friends and family! Outwardly, he is nice to everyone and always trying to make new friends, though some would say this personality is a little fake. He tries very hard to come off as “likable”, that it turns some away.. But he’s just doing his best to get along with everyone! He would do just about anything to be seen as a “good boy”. There’s no denying the darkness that lies beneath the surface.. But surely his heart is as soft and pure as he makes it seem!



A luxury where he is from, he never got to have it when it was young. Now he can’t get enough!

“Cute” things

Anything from a stuffed animal, to some kind of accessory- if it’s cute, he loves it!


Stories about people falling in love are his favorite! Makes him wonder about having a special someone of his own- someone that would accept him no matter what.


It’s not something he’s especially good at, but it does allow him to express feelings he would otherwise keep inside.



He’s a sensitive guy, blood freaks him out. EVen just a drop can make him weep.


He spent a lot of time looking for ones with four leaves, but never ended up finding any. Now they just look like weeds to him.


Of course no one likes being lonely, but for Takahiro, being alone for too long can send him into a panic. It frightens him.

Tight clothing

Really, anything that feels constrictive. It’s uncomfortable and he isn’t a fan of how his body looks in them.



Takahiro has had a very miserable life. Before he and his brother were even born, his father abandoned their mother. While their mother was a miserable wreck without him, she promised to push on for the sake of her children. That couldn’t last long however.. As when they started to grow, they started to resemble their father. This enraged their mother, and she started to treat them horribly. From neglect to beating, they were never free from her bitter anger. When they grew a little older, Takahiro became the weaker, younger brother that always had to be saved and protected by his stronger, older brother. His brother did what he could, but Takahiro was often the bigger victim of his mother’s abuse, probably because he couldn’t fight back like his brother could. Without a way to seek help, the boys were trapped.

When the boys were around 10, things started to get even worse. The beatings were harder, and she would be gone for days leaving the boys nothing to get by on. The boys started to take odd jobs to try to get any money they could, but not only did they live in a particularly poor environment, no one was willing to hire a couple of kids. So it lead to stealing.. They didn’t want to, but they could have died otherwise. Takahiro didn’t quite have the courage to steal, so his brother would usually at least steal his share for him.. though this would sometimes leave Takashi without food. When their mother finally returned, the other villagers scolded her for leaving them, and demanded she give them money to pay back what the kids stole. This enraged her so much, that the second she got home, she started beating on them. Particularly on Takahiro, as per usual. Even with Takahiro being used to it, it was so much more intense than normal. Like she really wanted to kill him. So he feigned passing out- in hopes of making her stop. It was all he could think of at the moment… But this caused his brother to go into a rage. Before Takahiro could do anything, Takashi tackled their mother and beat on her. He just kept punching and punching until she stopped moving… and then punched some more. He wouldn’t stop until she was an unmoving pile of mess on the floor.. and Takahiro could do nothing but watch. He was disgusted, afraid, and most of all… horribly jealous he wasn’t the one who stopped her.


Now the boys were alone, having had to flee the village they grew up in for fear of punishment of killing their mother. At first Takashi tried to leave on his own, but Takahiro knew if he didn’t go with, he would end up with the blame of what happened to their mother, so they had to go together.They escaped to a new place, but with no one to rely on, they had to pick themselves up and do their best. They first relied on dark allies and finding spare coins when they could, but as they got older, they started to work a little. Takahiro didn’t have the strength or stamina that his older brother had, so he was stuck trying to beg for money, or trying to work in different shops as an assistant. This warranted less money than his brother, and significantly less respect. Takahiro was miserable living this way, but there was nothing he could do. They started to travel a bit, moving from place to place, finding work where they could. Their poor skills and bad behavior always got them fired though, so they kept wandering. Just hoping, one day, things could get better.

A True Escape

Now adults, finding work isn’t as hard as it used to be.. But keeping jobs is still as difficult as ever. The land just kept getting poorer, and once people knew who the boys were and what Takahiro’s brother had done, they were quickly fired. Then, one day, they heard that the king himself was looking for workers for a special mission, and he and his brother traveled all the way to the capitol for the chance. At a good sum of money, or maybe even a place to stay if they did well enough. It was a pipe dream, but it’s all they had to keep them going. Miraculously, the twins were picked for the job.. Though once they knew the details, they weren’t so sure they should have gone for it. They were chosen to go to earth to find some “long lost angel princess”.. The boys knew nothing about earth, or humans, so the prospect of going there and interacting with them was.. Daunting to say the least. But- money is money. Off to earth they went with the other guy hired for the job.

Once on earth, Takahiro’s entire perspective changed. Humans were so free, and so wealthy.. things were so different on earth than everything he had come to know. He was so excited to learn about humans- their culture, their style, their food, everything. Getting along with them was so much easier than demons.. just be a little nice, smile a lot and you’ll make friends in no time. Though it didn’t take him long to see how surface level these friendships were.. but it didn’t matter. He wasn’t alone anymore. But everything changed again when they found the princess. She was beautiful, more so than any human or demon girl he had ever seen before.. and she was so kind- she meant everything she said and never hid the truth about how she felt. There was no mind game to play with her, she was so genuine it was almost scary. Takahiro couldn’t stand the thought of just handing her over to some old king. He had to protect her! So, after convincing his brother and their hired partner, they abandoned their mission and instead decided to live normal “human” lives protecting the princess. A simple wish of helping the girl he liked.. If only it could have ended there.







The long lost angel princess. Takahiro has sworn to love and protect her for eternity, though really they’re just very good friends. Takahiro doesn’t have the courage to confess to her, but he wants to support her in any way he can!




Takahiro’s overly protective older twin brother. Though in public they are very close, when they are alone they tend to argue. Takahiro can’t help but view him as a rival at times, since he is jealous of his superior strength. Still though, they are brothers to the end. Takahiro calls him “Shin”, and he calls him “Hiro”


Miku Lovecraft


The demon that was hired with them to find the princess. He is a beautiful and intimidating man that likes to mess around too much. He tends to make fun of Takahiro, and although he has tried to fix things and be friends with him, Takahiro just can’t seem to like him. He doesn’t seem to care what people think of him.. and Takahiro can’t help but feel jealous of his people skills.