Willow Last Name



5 years, 5 months ago


Ryker Dawson
Male (he/him)
ESTP, 7w8


Gregarious • Brash • Excitable • LOYAL

One of the Humboldt’s five salvagers and resident hot mess. His low impulse control, adventurous spirit, and “screw it, let’s do it,” attitude make him a bit chaotic, but he has a good heart. Xantho is exceptionally loyal to his friends and family and tries to see the best in everyone… except himself. Despite seeming boisterous and carefree, he grapples with a great deal of self-doubt and prefers to mask his emotions with humour.

Foresight is not Xantho’s strongest suit. He prefers to live in the moment and jumps on new experiences. This has left him without much of a life plan, and he often feels adrift; unsure of what his goals even are.


  • Long drives and puttering around with his fixer-upper ship
  • Cozy places. Dim or sunlit rooms, dense gardens, cafes, that kinda stuff
  • Exploring! Loves seeing new places
  • Big people person despite having trust issues and undiagnosed anxiety
  • Mecha/racing anime
  • Physics - focused on mechanical engineering through flight training
  • Birds.... would like to hold a pigeon


  • Being touched without warning.
  • Being patronized
  • The military-industrial complex.
  • Argumentative but hates outright conflict.
  • Energy drinks (this is a coffee/black tea household)
  • Cup noodles. So many dinners after his co-op were shitty soup because ya boy can't cook
"write a quote here...."



Xantho was born in raised in a small fishing town next to one of the province’s largest ports. He was a typical active child – involved in sports and always covered in grass stains and scrapes. His zest for life fizzled out in middle school when he began manifesting signs of depression.

Xantho continues to have a complex relationship with his parents. Though he does love them, their emotional distance during his teen years led them to rebuff his claims of having depression. Their relationship is on the mend, but the wound from his parents’ disappointment and lack of support is still raw.

Unable to manage the demands of high school and work, Xantho dropped out at 17. He joined the Humboldt shortly after, where he met his best friend Lexi. The two latched onto each other almost immediately and have been one another’s rocks ever since (even though neither are very good with feelings.)


At present, Xantho has begun to gain the upper hand against his depression and is returning to his old outgoing self. Chatty and loud, he rarely passes up the opportunity to make a joke and loves making people laugh. His class clown act can become grating at times and is a barrier to seriously discussing his feelings. Unsurprisingly, several of his crewmates and acquaintances see him as immature and, "kind of a twerp."

Xantho cares deeply for his loved ones and will stand against any danger to keep them safe. However, some of this bravery stems from a lack of self-worth and limited impulse control. Though he’s able to recognize a bad idea, he has little regard for his own safety and struggles to stop himself from making snap decisions. (This is deeply aggravating to anyone who cares about him.)

He tends to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, whether they deserve it or not, and it took being burnt several times before he became more cautious about who to trust. Though it may be naïve, Xantho chooses to believe that everyone has potential for good within them – no matter how deep it’s buried.


• Long scar on his left leg, a burn scar on his right deltoid, and a few small ones scattered on his body

• Cursed by genetics to have a flat ass

• Fairly short (172cm)

• I draw him with sharp canines/small pupils but it's just stylistic

• Thick eyebrows

• Stockier build


• Ironic shellfish allergy.

• Chews his lower lip when nervous/worried.

• Dog person - childhood pet was a golden retriever named Murphy.

• Better at cooking than baking since he doesn't have the patience for measurements.

• Headcanon voice is Eric from Pretty Much It.

• Swears way too much.




Evolved from "hot new coworker," to close friend, to boyfriend. The two are both loud, adventurous dumbasses and get along like a house on fire. They spent an embarassing length of time pining over each other but were too worried about messing up the friendship to make a move. Xantho eventually asked Ryker out, to the collective relief of literally everyone on the Humboldt, who'd been privy to their weird romantic/sexual tension for months.



Xantho's best friend of six years. The two have acted as each other's rocks through their worst days and shared the excitement of their best. Xantho tones his loudmouth personality down for Lexi and becomes much more vulnerable, and Xantho is one of the few people Lexi truly opens up around. 



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